
Written by Mike Shanta

Continued from page 1

If you have a poor self image and never do anything to change it, you will have exiled yourself to a life of mediocrity at best, no matter what advantages you may have been born with. Yet, if you will just believe in yourself, and realizerepparttar God given abilities that lie in each one of us, you can aspire to great heights in your life no matter what adversity may come your way.

We’re not all dealtrepparttar 122626 same cards in life, but unless we are stricken with a handicap beyond our control, we haverepparttar 122627 ability to achieve just about anything we wish. In fact, many people with great disabilities go on to do amazing things in their lives.

It all begins with believing in ourselves, and visualizing our livesrepparttar 122628 way we want them to be. That is why setting goals, as well as, writing down and reviewing affirmations are so important. We need a road map to follow, and a vision to keep us heading inrepparttar 122629 right direction on that map.

If we will only believe in ourselves, and keep visualizing ourselvesrepparttar 122630 way we want to be, it is only a matter of time before we achieve that which we most desire.

Mike Shanta is a student of success who resides in Branson, Missouri. He is editor and publisher of a Free Newsletter "All-Round Success" which you can receive by going to his website, He also publishes a Success Blog called "All-Round Success"

What Does A.C.C.O.U.N.T.A.B.I.L.I.T.Y Mean To You?

Written by Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S.

Continued from page 1

ALIGNMENT helps to keeprepparttar focus onrepparttar 122625 desired end results. Through alignment, both individuals and organizations are working smarter not harder.

If accountability is a sometimes or one time thing for you, possible you are failing to BUILDrepparttar 122626 behaviors necessary for ongoing success. By constantly buildingrepparttar 122627 behaviors that driverepparttar 122628 change that you desire will help you to be both accountable and successful.

Withoutrepparttar 122629 INTERNALIZATION ofrepparttar 122630 necessary attitudes that driverepparttar 122631 behaviors creating change, accountability will be short-lived. The question to ask yourself is “Are you working fromrepparttar 122632 inside out?”

LEARNING allows us to “fail forward” as John Maxwell writes. Are you fearful of failure? If learning is not part of your overall life plan, then being accountable will be very difficult.

The consistent demonstration of our INTEGRITY helps to keep us onrepparttar 122633 path of accountability. Do you demonstrate your values at all times? Or do you sometimes forrepparttar 122634 sake of a sale,repparttar 122635 fear of not being liked and going along withrepparttar 122636 crowd or for a numerous other reasons choose not to demonstrate your value of Integrity?

As you practice accountability, you are TEACHING being accountable by “walkingrepparttar 122637 talk.” If more individuals and organizations taught accountability through their actions, then potentially there would be greater performance for all concerned.

Finally, as accountability begins with action, it ends with YOU –repparttar 122638 bottom line. Accountability is all about YOU, no buts and no excuses!

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S., President of ADVANCED SYSTEMS~The Process Specialist, helps people and organizations to connect their 3-P’s of Passion, Purpose and Performance by improving their processes within strategies, systems and people. Visit Look for the book M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Potential: Living An Amazing Life Beyond Purpose to Achievement due out in June of 2005.

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