Being Sensitive and Kind

Written by Birmingham UK Com

Continued from page 1

Can you imagine my shock when I later openedrepparttar suitcase and found over a million dollars inside it, all in one hundred dollar bills. I was overwhelmed. The world is full of such caring and sensitive people. I cried with gratitude. It was meant for me after all. I must have met my guardian Angel.

Inrepparttar 118112 morning I had a wonderful breakfast and contemplated my future. I would buy a house with a nice garden and open a Donkey Sanctuary. As I leftrepparttar 118113 hotel that morning I was reminded how some people waste their time onrepparttar 118114 wrong things in life. I heard that two men had taken shots at each other and were arguing about money before being arrested by armed police and taken away. I think they were foreigners from some troubled country trying to purchase or sell arms. I am glad I at least kept to an honest way of life.

So you see. With this kindness showered upon me and a sunny outlook on life I can only be happy, content and caring and sensitive. Life has smiled on me. I even won a huge lottery prize two weeks ago to extend my farm and help lots of animals. I suppose all I now need is a wife to make my life complete.

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Sales Appointment - The Dog

Written by Birmingham UK Com

Continued from page 1

Fortunately his dog hadn't put him off signingrepparttar documents andrepparttar 118111 deal was done. As I was about to go he seemed a bit more relaxed. I exchanged small talk inrepparttar 118112 hallway and told him if there was anything else I could do he only needed to call me.

At this point he looked concerned and seemed a bit hesitant. I asked him if everything was OK. Just as he was about to answerrepparttar 118113 doorbell rang. Some young kid atrepparttar 118114 door, " Hey Mister, you seen my dog?"

At that point, hearing his masters callrepparttar 118115 hound made a bolt forrepparttar 118116 open doorway and ran out intorepparttar 118117 road. To say we were both amazed was an understatement. Just why hadn'trepparttar 118118 guy said anything? When I questioned him on this he said "Well apart from its little accident it seemed like a nice dog and I didn't want to complain".

I laughed and I cried allrepparttar 118119 way home.

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