Before You Quit, Recommit

Written by David Goldin

Continued from page 1

4. Are you providing payment options? This one is easy. You may be bringing inrepparttar leads, but no one is buying. Why? It's often your payment options. If you only accept PayPal or snail mail orders your doomed onrepparttar 121355 Internet. The fact is that 95% of online buyers will use a credit card to make an online purchase. If you are not accepting this form of payment, it's time you did.

Many business owners resistrepparttar 121356 credit card avenue because they thinkrepparttar 121357 process to a merchant account will be long, tedious, or frustrating. These days that is just not so. Accepting credit cards has never been easier andrepparttar 121358 process is quick and painless. The best part is that your business will propel itself torepparttar 121359 next level of profits and your website will suddenly go from amateur to professional in status!

5. Is your message clear? Are you marketing messages clear? Do they make sense to what you are selling? Willrepparttar 121360 reader understand within 2 seconds what you are offering? Although every ad must include a certain level of sales psychology, keep in mind that today's consumer is smart and busy. Make sure your message is clear or your one click away fromrepparttar 121361 trash bin.

6. Are you over-hyped? This has been taught over and over again, yet email boxes aroundrepparttar 121362 globe are cluttered with hype. Hype does one thing and one thing only, it irritates. It tellsrepparttar 121363 consumer they are too stupid to "get your product". Speak intelligently to your target buyers. Answerrepparttar 121364 only question they care about; "what's in it for them?"

7. Are you following through? Lastly, follow through. Allrepparttar 121365 leads inrepparttar 121366 world won't do you a bit of good if your follow through slacks off. Remember that you have put in hours of hard work for those leads. Follow through with each one and put yourself in front of your buyer to explainrepparttar 121367 benefits and answer questions. Great follow through techniques equal increased sales.

Marketing campaigns take time to work and patience to tweak. All too many business owners throw their business away without giving it time to mature. Allow each process in your promotional strategy to "grow up" and allow yourselfrepparttar 121368 patience to let it evolve. In time, you will notice remarkable gains and valuable lessons that can be utilized time and time again.

David is one of the founders of, a leading credit card processing company that allows businesses of any type to accept credit cards for their business. Visit today to take the next step in your business success at

The Only Three Ways to Increase Money Coming Into Your Business

Written by Karen E. Hipp

Continued from page 1

The second part ofrepparttar #2 equation is to increaserepparttar 121354 dollar amount (notrepparttar 121355 price) of what your average customer spends.

Here's an example. As you might know by now, one of my clients is a chain of hair salons in South Florida. We evaluated their current prices and compared them to their competition and services. Realistically, we feltrepparttar 121356 prices were high enough. So that led us to look at increasingrepparttar 121357 average dollar amount each customer spent. The current average was $26. After rolling around many ideas, we finally came up with an added service called "Hair Spa." For an additional $10,repparttar 121358 customer got a hair spa, which consisted of a deep, deep conditioning that took an additional 20 minutes. Roughly 30% ofrepparttar 121359 customers acceptedrepparttar 121360 offer onrepparttar 121361 first run. Especially whenrepparttar 121362 hair stylist told them they really needed it! This is also called upselling.

That leads us to #3. Get your customers to buy more often.

Here arerepparttar 121363 best ways I know:

Always keep in contact with your customers. That could mean by a newsletter or email with a special offer for a limited period of time, or introducing a new product that they just have to have! Orrepparttar 121364 new product is limited (you only have 100). Or tell themrepparttar 121365 benefits of owning XYZ product, or using it more often. Give them a reason to come in by offering a contestrepparttar 121366 month of ______, or for only a couple of weeks. The key is to jolt them to come in before they normally would.

Now that you've evaluatedrepparttar 121367 only three ways to get more cash flow into your store, you can "get crazy" with all those great ideas how to do it!

Karen E. Hipp is a nationally recognized marketing consultant and the author of the ebook "Do-It-Yourself Marketing." Karen has been honored with "Marketing Director of the year in two separate industries and has won 54 Addy Awards. Karen's business, Hipp Marketing, focuses on small to medium sized businesses that need marketing help.

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