Becoming a Successful Affiliate

Written by Teresa Williams

Continued from page 1
website instead ofrepparttar banners. If a person seesrepparttar 102607 same banner on a hundred websites, why do you think they should click on YOUR banner and purchaserepparttar 102608 product? They won't! Give them a written explanation of why this product will help them and what benefits they will gain by purchasingrepparttar 102609 products. 7) Answer all emails. If you are promoting a product and have put your "stamp of approval" onrepparttar 102610 product... people who have not made up their mind will email you with questions. Why don't they emailrepparttar 102611 owner ofrepparttar 102612 product? Simply because you have gainedrepparttar 102613 trust of this person. You are doingrepparttar 102614 promotion. Go back to Step number 1: If you have not actually purchasedrepparttar 102615 product, you will not be able to answerrepparttar 102616 future customer's question. If you have purchasedrepparttar 102617 product and still can not answerrepparttar 102618 question... still takerepparttar 102619 time to answerrepparttar 102620 email and let them know you received their email and you can not answerrepparttar 102621 question for them, but you are forwarding their question torepparttar 102622 original owner ofrepparttar 102623 product. This goes back to Step number 5. Communicate withrepparttar 102624 owner. If you have already made contact withrepparttar 102625 owner ofrepparttar 102626 product, you are going to gainrepparttar 102627 respect from that person. Forward that email and letrepparttar 102628 owner know that you could not answerrepparttar 102629 person's question and they will be more happy to do it for you. 8) Get to know your sub-affiliates. Ifrepparttar 102630 affiliate program is more than one tier, it means that people sign up under you and sellrepparttar 102631 product. In turn, you receive a commission everytime they make a sale. If you are involved with an affiliate program that sends you an email letting you know that someone signed up under you and include their email address... USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! Send an email torepparttar 102632 new sub-affiliate saying: * Welcome them torepparttar 102633 program * Let them knowrepparttar 102634 importance of purchasing repparttar 102635 product * Giving tips on how you advertise * And yes, even giving themrepparttar 102636 actual ads that you are using to generate sales * Let them know they can contact you with any questions Remember folks, your sub-affiliates can be crucial to your success. If you takerepparttar 102637 time to "help out" your new promoters, that is just more money in your pocket. Becoming a successful affiliate can become a very healthy income each month if you takerepparttar 102638 time to learn these eight steps.

Teresa Williams is the owner/editor of She publishes a very successful internet marketing newsletter and has personally composed 3 free downloadable ebooks. Get a copy of Top Biz News delivered to your email box by sending a blank email to or by visiting

Building Internal Support

Written by Shawn Collins

Continued from page 1

After you have figured out how to set up a site and joined some affiliate programs, make an announcement in your office that you are willing to help any of your co-workers to dorepparttar same. By helping your co-workers to set up their own sites and instructing them about affiliate programs, you will be establishing more awareness and support for your program.

You should be publishing a monthly newsletter to your affiliates that includes mission critical news, tips, success stories, and co-marketing plugs for complimentary affiliate programs. Send your newsletter to every affiliate, as well to all ofrepparttar 102606 people in your company (if your company climate permits).

Organizerepparttar 102607 company behind your program The results for your affiliate program will be very tangible, so show that qualitative and quantitative information with everybody. Don't be shy about tooting your own horn, because nobody else is going to do it for you.

Broadcast those affiliate milestones to your company at staff meetings and make them ask themselves, "How did we ever operate withoutrepparttar 102608 affiliate program?" When you get positive feedback aboutrepparttar 102609 program, share it with everyone. As Oscar Wilde once said, moderation is a fatal thing, nothing succeeds like excess.

It's impossible for you to find every site that may become your next great affiliate. So ask aroundrepparttar 102610 office for co-workers to refer potential affiliates to you. Their job is also to work with Dot Coms in your industry, so they likely know some gems that you have not come across.

Also encourage suggestions aboutrepparttar 102611 overall program - send details ofrepparttar 102612 program to everybody fromrepparttar 102613 receptionist torepparttar 102614 CEO and ask for feedback. Voila - you've gotrepparttar 102615 company interested in your job and you've got some additional questions forrepparttar 102616 affiliate FAQ.

You will find that internal support is imperative torepparttar 102617 success of your affiliate program. Not only will it make your life and job more pleasant, but it will also assist you in perfecting your program.

Shawn Collins ClubMom Affiliate Manager 646-435-6513

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