Become an LPN, the fast path to a nursing career.

Written by Max Stein

Continued from page 1

The U.S. Department of Labor has publishedrepparttar median income for LPNs as $31,440 in 2002. The range was $22,860 to $44,040 based on geographic location and work experience. Contract LPNs maderepparttar 115040 most money, while doctor’s office nurses maderepparttar 115041 least on average at $28,710.

A nursing career offers other benefits including a flexible schedule, a short work week (three 12 hour shifts with four days off), tuition reimbursement and signing bonuses.

Education / Getting Started

Because ofrepparttar 115042 high level of patient responsibility, nursing is highly regulated, requiring both education and a license. Graduates must complete a state approved practical nursing program and pass a licensing examination. An LPN certificate can be completed in less than a year. Some RN students become LPNs after completing their first year of study. Course work inrepparttar 115043 LPN program includes anatomy, physiology, nutrition, biology, chemistry, obstetrics, pediatrics, first aid as well as nursing classes.

Becoming an LPN isrepparttar 115044 fastest path to a nursing career. Advancement can take many forms, but additional education is usually required.

If you possessrepparttar 115045 traits necessary to become a successful nurse and want to secure a well paying, important profession caring for others, getting an LPN degree in nursing is a great way to secure your professional future.

Max Stein, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Max Stein is a freelance writer who writes about business, education and marketing.

Uncovering Your Skin

Written by ChaChanna Simpson

Continued from page 1

But don't think that you can clean your face once a day and your job is done. It is imperative for you to cleanse your skin inrepparttar morning when you rise, and at night before you go to bed. Inrepparttar 115039 daytime your skin will be protected from harmful elements. At night, moisturizing your skin will rejuvenate it. And for those of you who love sun tanning, let me reiterate what I know you have already heard;repparttar 115040 sun is very harmful to your skin. "Overexposure affectsrepparttar 115041 living cells and creates structural damage torepparttar 115042 skin's elasticity and in some cases causes skin cancer," says Walker. Inrepparttar 115043 afternoon,repparttar 115044 sun's rays arerepparttar 115045 strongest, so if you must go out make sure you are always using sunscreen products. Unfortunately,repparttar 115046 first 18 years of life we have already experiencedrepparttar 115047 most damage, but it is not until we reach betweenrepparttar 115048 ages of 38-46 that we will start to realize it.

Skin care is not for women only! Men need to take care of their skin as well because women want something soft to touch too. According to Walker, men's skin tends to be oilier, and is coarser and thicker than women's. Men who don't moisturize their skin leave their pores open torepparttar 115049 environmental pollutants and dirt, yuck! "Shaving can irritaterepparttar 115050 skin and cause abrasions, inflammations and ingrown hairs, and this condition can become aggravated if not cared for properly."

Now, I don't know about you but I learned a great deal in writing this article. From now on I am drinking water and washing my face twice a day. You won't to see me years from now and talk about how my skin looks bad. But I will be able to talk about yours?

ChaChanna Simpson is the publisher and editor of, the free ezine for twentysomethings, featuring cheap and free events every Wednesday. Subscribe today at

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