Become a Recognized Expert in Your Field and Increase Your Sales

Written by Alvin Apple

Continued from page 1

Finally, I started submitting articles to business papers, magazines and ezines about anything I could think of that related to my businesses ideas. It took me a few times, but I got a formula down, and I started getting published, and published a lot. A business article should never a blatant advertisement, but an informative, well-written piece that will spark an interest in what you do or sell. I found plenty of publications related to my business just by searchingrepparttar web, and started zinging them articles on a weekly basis. Atrepparttar 121613 end of each article I always include my business bio with my phone number, e-mail address and URL. That way people interested in what I have to say will have no problem getting in touch with me.

After a few months of implementing these tactics, I had more business than I knew what to do with, and I'm still doing great. Now don't think I'm resting on my laurels. I'm sticking torepparttar 121614 program that helped me make it. I'm always looking at new ideas and reevaluating old, as well as talking to people and getting their opinions. I still visit chat rooms and boards and submit articles almost as much as I did atrepparttar 121615 beginning. I just figure that since these things are what really got me going, I may as well share them. I hope you can use them. Remember, there's money to be made out there if you just know how to do it.

Alvin Apple helps everyday people start businesses they will enjoy. Then he teaches them how to succeed. Read all his helpful strategies, including his latest article, "Capital Solutions: Productive Alternatives to Spending " at Reach Alvin at 801-328-9006 or

The Golden Retriever and YOUR Business

Written by Pamela Geiss

Continued from page 1

If his attitude had been something other than what it was, he would have never made it a year. And that was a great year full of lots of love and playing and riding inrepparttar car and allrepparttar 121612 things he enjoyed.

What's my point? What is YOUR attitude to your business? Do you put your heart and soul into making a success of your business? Do you get up with a zeal and love for life and what you do? When you tell others about your business, do you convey that joy and enthusiasm? If you don't love your product and your business, you can't possibly convince anyone else to try it, let alone love it!

We can all learn a great deal from animals. They know how to live life torepparttar 121613 fullest and getrepparttar 121614 most out ofrepparttar 121615 time they have. We need to dorepparttar 121616 same with our lives, our relationships AND our businesses. You will get out of life and your business what you put into it. If you aren't willing to step out there and shout it torepparttar 121617 world, it isn't going to happen.

So when you turn on that computer, or pick up that phone, remember....ATTITUDE, ATTITUDE, ATTITUDE.

Pamela Geiss is the owner of the successful LotsaPerks. She specializes in business opportunity leads, guaranteed traffic, search engine placement and consulting. Visit her at and subscribe to her free newsletter.

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