Beating Perfection Syndrome so you can write

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

Strategies to beat Perfection Syndrome

The first step in fighting Perfection Syndrome is to acknowledge that you've got it, and know that it's beatable. Any ofrepparttar strategies below will help.

* Morning Pages: first thing each morning, write three pages in longhand. The pages don't have to be about anything. You can write three pages of whining about situations in your life, or three pages of "This is stupid, I don't know what to write". Yes, but--- you're thinking: I'm supposed to write three pages no one will ever see, much less publish? YES. Just tryrepparttar 129418 process.

* Check in with your subconscious mind. Just wonder quietly aboutrepparttar 129419 image you hold of your writing self. Either awake, while daydreaming, or in a dream, and image will float into your mind. If it's negative, change it to a life-affirming, encouraging and hopeful one.

* Set a target number of words for each writing session. However, setrepparttar 129420 word target and quality LOW. Even on your worst migraine day you can write 200 words of gibberish. Or, promise yourself that whenever you turn on your computer, you will write 50 words on your current project.

* Keep a writing log for each writing session for a week. List what you worked on, how many words you wrote, and how you felt before you started writing and how you felt when you finished. Your writing log will convince you that writing can alter your moods: you'll feel better when you finish your writing session than you did before you started. It will also convince you that you can write when you're depressed, tired, or ill.

* Start a story prompts/ ideas file. A fresh idea may tempt you if you're resisting working on your current projects.

* Where else in your life do you expect perfection? If you're struck with Perfection Syndrome, it will manifest in other areas. List five of those areas, and several ways to combat each

* Perfectionism leads to procrastination: do one task each day that you've been putting off. Be willing to skimp onrepparttar 129421 task, and do it badly, but do it.

Copyright © 2002 by Angela Booth

***Resource box: if using, please include*** When your words sound good, you sound good. Author and copywriter Angela Booth crafts words for your business --- words to sell, educate or persuade. Get in touch today for a free quote: Free ezine: Creative Small Biz --- subscribe at


Australian author and journalist Angela Booth writes about business, technology, health and creativity for print and online publications. She also writes copy for businesses large and small.

Introduction to Document Design: Visual Organization

Written by Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Continued from page 1

4. Use templates (empty documents with preformatted margins, colors, font faces and sizes) to increase your efficiency and productivity.

5. Use selective emphasis: Headings, subheads, italics, pull quotes, and different font sizes are all good ways to organize sections, break up text and emphasize important points. Be sure not to overdo it, however, or your document will be *more* difficult to read.

6. Keep paragraphs short - they should only contain one main idea. If you are starting a new idea, begin a new paragraph.

7. Use numbered, lettered, or bulleted lists to help your reader follow your thinking.

8. Use spaces between paragraphs, rather than indenting. It simply looks neater. Use single spacing for your text and double spacing between paragraphs.

9. Number your pages. Even in early drafts, this will keep you and your co-authors organized. Whenrepparttar document is finalized, your readers will appreciate being able to turn to a certain page number to find what they are looking for.

Linda Elizabeth Alexander writes marketing copy for nonprofits and other businesses. Contact her today to discuss your next project and get your FREE quote!

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