Beat The Procrastination Blues

Written by Kathy Gates

Continued from page 1

2. Determine if Procrastination is signaling you that you have made a mistake in your choice. If you find it difficult to go to work inrepparttar morning, perhaps you are inrepparttar 123837 wrong job. If you find that you don't want to go home inrepparttar 123838 evening after work, it may be that you are living in a place that is not healthy for you. Don't continue a mistake. Admitrepparttar 123839 mistake to yourself first and others (if necessary), and makerepparttar 123840 necessary arrangements to make it right. One of my clients was a senior in college receiving a degree in Electrical Engineering. He was having difficulty finishing projects, doing homework, studying for tests. His parents believed that he was afraid to go out intorepparttar 123841 "real world". But as we talked, it became apparent that he had never wanted to be an engineer and had allowed others to make those choices for him. He was spending all his time working in a restaurant where they were teaching him how to cook. As soon as he recognized that he had made a mistake, he was able to tell his parents how he really felt, and makerepparttar 123842 change to getrepparttar 123843 training to be a chef.

3. We all have things we're good at and things we prefer to do, and Procrastination can also signal that it is task that you really don't like to do. Ask first, does it have to be done at all, and second, does it have to be done by you. Consider delegatingrepparttar 123844 task to someone who would enjoy it, so that you can concentrate on things that you would devote more creativity and energy to. Personally, I struggle with keeping exercise in my life. So instead of learning things I didn't find interesting, I hired a trainer who shows me what to do and helps me move forward consistently. I delegated that job to him, and now, I don't have to think about it anymore.

Finally, REWARD yourself for a job well done. This is very important and a step that a lot of people ignore. A reward can come in any form you choose, from a simple affirmation to yourself, to buying yourself a treat. Realize thatrepparttar 123845 ultimate reward for taming Procrastination is that by being in control of what you do, and finding ways to do it efficiently, you have given yourself more time to enjoy your life.

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that "Life Rewards Action". She helps people set priorities and goals, take actions, make changes, and reshape their lives. Visit, email, or call 480.998.5843

Remember The Heroes II

Written by John Colanzi

Continued from page 1

We honor them now, but what happens 5 or 10 years downrepparttar line. Will we still remember their courage and sacrifice.

Will we honor our debt to them when this crisis is over and they come home and have to resume a "normal life."

I truly hope so.

The terrorists are justrepparttar 123836 latest enemy who've foolishly assumed we're weak and pampered.

I think Charlie Daniels says in best in his song " In America."

"We may fight among ourselves, but outsiders better leave us alone."

Take time to Rememberrepparttar 123837 Heroes who have us walking proud.

God Bless,

John Colanzi

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. Subscribe now and receive access to our Free Internet Marketing Library: If you want to cash in on the information gold mine and make 100% profits visit:

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