Be a Change Master!

Written by Keith Varnum

Continued from page 1

The Myth of Change as Struggle

Contrary to popular belief, change does not have to be hard! Change can be difficult if we choose to fight it or deny it-likerepparttar perennial ostrich, sticking its head inrepparttar 130419 sand and pretending something doesn't exist. When we're in denial, changes come at us " out ofrepparttar 130420 blue!" When we don't prepare ourselves for life's rollicking rollercoaster, we don't enjoyrepparttar 130421 ride.

But if we get proactive and anticipate change, we can not only flow withrepparttar 130422 current, but also directrepparttar 130423 current. We can lead change by takingrepparttar 130424 initiative to take creative steps ahead of time that allowrepparttar 130425 inevitable to be accommodated with ease and even joy! A Change Master chooses to embark in new directions, to experiment with different options, and to surfrepparttar 130426 waves of change as a fun life adventure.

Intuition torepparttar 130427 Rescue!

With today's fast-moving pace, action often has to be taken with limited or imperfect information aboutrepparttar 130428 future. Without allrepparttar 130429 necessary facts,repparttar 130430 analytical mind doesn't know what to do. But intuition does! A Change Master consults intuition-inner guidance, instincts, "gut feeling"-when sufficient data is not available.

The analytical side of our consciousness organizes and stores information. The intuitive side immediately retrieves all relevant data and experience fromrepparttar 130431 full depth and breath of our lifelong experience in order for us to make wise decisions. The analytical mind is to intuition as a file cabinet is torepparttar 130432 supercomputer atrepparttar 130433 Pentagon. Intuition functions a thousand times faster thanrepparttar 130434 mind. And has resources a million times more vast. A Change Master uses intuition to improve his or her ability to improvise and adjust quickly to change. Intuition helps us to not only survive, but to thrive!

Inner Guidance Saves a Family

Humans also have precognitive abilities, but usually don't use them as much as animals. Susan, one of my coaching clients, is an exception. One day she received a very strong intuitive knowing to sell her family's home and move. Lovingrepparttar 130435 house, neighborhood and schools, her husband and children didn't want to uproot their lives without a good "rational" reason. Her certainty inrepparttar 130436 accuracy of her intuition fortunately convincedrepparttar 130437 family to relocate. The week afterrepparttar 130438 their home was sold andrepparttar 130439 moving van had left with all their possessions,repparttar 130440 house was destroyed inrepparttar 130441 1994 Northridge, California, 6.8 magnitude earthquake!

Riderepparttar 130442 Wave

With an open, willing attitude toward life's inevitable fluctuations, a Change Master can discernrepparttar 130443 probable path ofrepparttar 130444 future and make pre-emptive adjustments to makerepparttar 130445 transition easier when it comes. If we are in denial or blinding fear aboutrepparttar 130446 future, we can't get ourselves ready to handlerepparttar 130447 shifts with grace. With an accepting approach, we can intuitively predictrepparttar 130448 course of our future and arrange our life to takerepparttar 130449 fullest advantage ofrepparttar 130450 changes.

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader (The Dream Workshops). Keith helps people get the love, money and health they want with his FREE "Prosperity Ezine" at

It's That Time Of Year

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1
First, I notice that transitions are hard for me, making a shift from one state to another from daily engagement with husband to independence. Second, I get lost inrepparttar anticipated story about what a pain it is to do "all"repparttar 130416 work myself. I start to feel left behind and sorry for myself. Third, I wonder what inrepparttar 130417 world I'm going to do to entertain myself duringrepparttar 130418 time we usually spend together. The mental energy it takes to consider and worry about all these things is considerable, no wonder I dread this time. What life situation are you resisting or dreading? Here's how I've learned to work with this and other opportunities that challenge my comfort zone. (It's only taken me 16 years): 1. I slow my thoughts WAY down. I invite allrepparttar 130419 petty and worrisome thoughts to come torepparttar 130420 surface to be heard. I do my best not to judge them, I simply notice them. 2. I inquire into my beliefs to find truth and disqualifyrepparttar 130421 beliefs or stories that turn out to be false. 3. Then, I make a list of allrepparttar 130422 things I enjoy, look forward to, or seldom have a chance to experience. Then, I and go into action. I ask for help withrepparttar 130423 tasks I need help with. I remind my friends I'm extra available for outings. Byrepparttar 130424 time I get through step three I'm energized and looking forward to my time alone. Even though I still feel sadrepparttar 130425 day he pulls away, I can be with all of my feelings and know I'm fine. My deep winter alone time has become a period for me to remember my strength, find companionship and enjoyment with myself, and reprioritize what's important to me. It's become a welcome time of reflection, reevaluation and reemersion with my own best friend, me. It's YOUR life...imaginerepparttar 130426 possibilities!

Helaine Iris is a certified Life Coach, writer and teacher that loves her life. She works with individuals, and self-employed professionals, who want to thrive in their business while crafting a life that's in absolute alignment with their highest ideals, deepest values and gracefully masters the complexities of modern living. For a solution focused complimentary session visit her website or call her 603-357-8546 or email her

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