Be Careful Who You Condemn

Written by Scott Brown

Continued from page 1

This can be a very destructive culture for a business.

So as a manager, you can’t allow your employees to see you disrespect a customer in any way. As I have already mentioned customers can be wrong – and yes, sometimes even dumb. But that’s not our concern – at least not in this article. It’s your job as a manager to keep your employees focused on finding new ways to keep customers happy and to look for problem areas that upset customers so you can prevent problems inrepparttar future.

It’s no secret that you and your employees are going to have problem customers, but it’s your responsibility to keep your employees focused onrepparttar 119501 fact that they have a job for one and only one reason – to serverepparttar 119502 customer. Without customers, no one has a job.

Keep employees focused on what’s important. The good news is that YOU arerepparttar 119503 one who decides what’s important.

Scott Brown, is an insightful and entertaining speaker on management and customer service and creating a culture of service in organizations throughout the country. He is also the author of “Who Cares? Creating Service The Right Way – The Only Way.” You can subscribe to Scott’s FREE newsletter by visiting

Setting Performance Standards for your Employees

Written by Megan Tough

Continued from page 1

Set standards, and determine HOW they will be done. Deciderepparttar standards that will apply to each activity, as well as howrepparttar 119500 standards will be achieved. Understandingrepparttar 119501 level of performance required givesrepparttar 119502 employee a sense of achievement - which is one ofrepparttar 119503 key ingredients to achieving performance standards. This is true for employees at any level.

Establish communication agreements. To ensure success,repparttar 119504 owner and employee must decide atrepparttar 119505 outset how they are going to communicate progress (and challenges) alongrepparttar 119506 way. Will it be day-to-day? Week-to-week? The minimum time frame is week-to-week. Less frequent than that and it all falls apart.

The employee decides how to achieverepparttar 119507 desired results. The owner will be present and participating for this part, but it is essential thatrepparttar 119508 employee be leadingrepparttar 119509 process in order for them to have ownership. Helprepparttar 119510 employee take responsibility for deciding how to accomplishrepparttar 119511 results. You may need to determine ifrepparttar 119512 employee hasrepparttar 119513 skills and development to do this. If they don't, provide maximum guidance to them.

Get it in writing. If it is not in writing, within one to two weeks everyone will be confused and uncertain. The focus, responsibility, resources, constraints, timetables and measures all need to be in writing. The purpose of doing this is to make surerepparttar 119514 owner and employee are so clear onrepparttar 119515 goals and process that there is no confusion whatsoever. It sets everyone

Establish a monitoring method. Make sure you get agreement on howrepparttar 119516 performance will be monitored and how frequently. In order forrepparttar 119517 process to go forward,repparttar 119518 employee needs to agree to monitor their own performance, andrepparttar 119519 owner must agree to sit down and review it withrepparttar 119520 employee on a pre-determined schedule. Let them know upfront that if they get busy and start canceling meetings, performance will not improve and expectations will not be met. I recommend havingrepparttar 119521 employee keep track of their progress in writing and adviserepparttar 119522 owner weekly. A simple weekly progress update is a win-win solution and can take as little as 5 minutes. A monthly sit-down, face-to-face meeting is a must also.

What arerepparttar 119523 benefits of setting effective performance standards and expectations? Employees are energized and empowered to take ownership of their positions. Owners become energized and inspired, ceasing to lower expectations in order to avoid confrontation. The productivity ofrepparttar 119524 company goes up. Everyone knows what is expected of them, which provides certainty to move forward. This process, itself, opens new channels of communication between owners and employees.

Megan Tough, director of Action Plus, works with small business professionals who are ready to do more than ‘just get by’. Increase your income - decrease your stress! To learn more and to sign up for more FREE tips and articles like these, visit

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