Be A Friend!

Written by /"Wild Bill/"

Continued from page 1

An Award For Congeniality!

A sales professional must learn to make themselves likeable. They must be congenial. It's a magnetism of their personality traits they were either born with or developed through years of training, formal or not. This attractiveness or congeniality, whatever we may call it, is one ofrepparttar most valuable attributes that any professional dealing with clients can possess. It is a curious fact that few technical people possess this power of attracting people. That is why "techies" seldom succeed as sales professionals. They rely solely onrepparttar 127522 facts and their technical knowledge. They treat all customers alike. In fact most have an underlying contempt for their customers ignorance of a product or subject, which some of them do not even bother to conceal.

Personal Capital

The fact is that a salesperson's best asset isrepparttar 127523 goodwill of their customers. If you have built up a reputation for honesty, courtesy, knowledge and reliability, you have acquired real "personal capital". No one can take this away from you. No thief can steal it. No one but "You" can destroy it.

In Closing:

A true measure of success isrepparttar 127524 number of friends that you have acquired, in both your business and personal life. Always strive to make new friends; it'srepparttar 127525 secret of good management and of a great marketer. It's a sure fire way to make your business succeed.


The aim of every company should be permanent patrons, not people who buy once and never again. New customers are far more costly (inrepparttar 127526 way of advertising orrepparttar 127527 work of canvassing for them) thanrepparttar 127528 time it takes to be a friend.

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"Wild and Crazy Headlines Sell!"

Written by A.T.Rendon

Continued from page 1

When you drive downrepparttar street, what type of business catches your eye?

Perhaps it isrepparttar 127521 one with colorful balloons, or a waving gorilla or flashy clown. How aboutrepparttar 127522 car wash and gas station that had girls in bikinis? Would that get your attention?

That type of gimmick has little to do withrepparttar 127523 business but they do attract attention.

And either you get noticed or you will fail.

Your business must communicate effectively. Your advertising should be in simple and easy to read and understand sentences, using short words with a headline that is ATTRACTIVE.

The headline of your ad isrepparttar 127524 KEY element.

And, although it should be attractive or attention-getting, you should never compromise your integrity with misleading ad copy.

When you consider allrepparttar 127525 different media types attempting to capture our attention each day, it is understandable why only a few ads will get noticed and still fewer will actually sell a product or service.

A wild and crazy headline might make allrepparttar 127526 difference you need.

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.6 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" Visit us at:

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