Bayesian Filters

Written by Debbie Hamstead

Continued from page 1

Bayesian filters are better than traditional content scoring filters in that they are trained by you to recognize your email.

A doctor, for example, might have many emails legitimately usingrepparttar word "Viagra". A traditional content scoring filter would probably shoot that email torepparttar 109487 SPAM folder, or delete it.

This would result in a high false-positive rate forrepparttar 109488 doctor, even if you don't want Viagra emails. The filter will build a list based onrepparttar 109489 doctors email use and corrections to incorrectly marked email.

The initial training period may be a little time consuming, but once complete offers a tailored solution to SPAM control for each user.

In addition to protectingrepparttar 109490 good email,repparttar 109491 filter makes it difficult for Spammers to trick as every filter will have individual requirements.

That being said, Spammers do have a few weapons in their arsenal to attempt to circumvent Bayesian filters. The easiest would be to create SPAM that looks like an everyday letter.

This would remove their ability to use typical marketing techniques and so is not as likely with normal commercial email. Forrepparttar 109492 purveyors of fraud, however, this would be easier.

Spammers could also so weight a message with a common good word, or distortrepparttar 109493 bad ones, that it becomes scored as neutral or lower and get through.

Once correctly marked as SPAM by you, though,repparttar 109494 filter will adjust and not be fooled again. This automation and ability ofrepparttar 109495 software to grow as you and SPAM change over time is key torepparttar 109496 significance of these types of filters.

Widespread use of good Bayesian filters will not only eliminate SPAM on your end, but would reducerepparttar 109497 practice of Spamming altogether. If they cannot getrepparttar 109498 mail through, they are just wasting their time.

Debbie Hamstead is the webmaster of Offering a comprehensive Quick Start Guide to keeping SPAM out of your inbox. She also manages

Protect Your Email Address

Written by Debbie Hamstead

Continued from page 1

In a forum situation do not allow others to email you via that site. They can simply post a response onrepparttar site and you can check it at your convenience.

Keep your email address hidden and not viewable to others when setting uprepparttar 109486 account. Spammers will try to join mailing lists forrepparttar 109487 sole intention of harvestingrepparttar 109488 addresses of other members.

If all else fails, create a junk email account. This account can be used to fulfillrepparttar 109489 requirement while keeping your real email address secret and off of any lists.

Do not respond to any spam that you receive. This includes followingrepparttar 109490 opt-out link atrepparttar 109491 bottom ofrepparttar 109492 page, sending irritated replies, or doing any business with a company that sends you spam.

They have already shown their willingness to ignore your privacy, and in most cases,repparttar 109493 law. Responding only confirms your email address as real and attached to someone who reads their mail.

You will likely continue receiving spam from that company, and additional spam from other spammers to whom they sold your address.

Understanding thatrepparttar 109494 reply only confirms your identity and keeps you on those distribution lists is a key to solving your problem.

Likewise, do not use auto-responders with your email. Auto-responders are away messages that automatically let those who are sending you email know that you are unavailable.

This is very convenient if you are going to be gone for some time. Unfortunately, this auto-response letsrepparttar 109495 spammers know that your email address is active.

Finally, do not forward chain letter emails. Forwarded chain letters can contain hundreds of email addresses before you ever get torepparttar 109496 body ofrepparttar 109497 letter.

Spammers collect these email addresses and then build distribution lists. They may also try to identifyrepparttar 109498 addresses of people with whom you communicate.

This would allow themrepparttar 109499 ability to sneak by any anti-spam software by pretending to be from someone that you know.

Debbie Hamstead is the webmaster of Offering a comprehensive Quick Start Guide to keeping SPAM out of your inbox. She also manages

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