Bass Fishing Tips

Written by Frank Faldo

Continued from page 1

Clear water – Cut downrepparttar size ofrepparttar 133035 worm, line, and sinker so that bass will have a harder time seeingrepparttar 133036 lure.

Big vibe worms – Use a worm with a curly tail design that gives off extremely strong vibrations. Try these worms when your straight worms fail to score.

Skipping – This isrepparttar 133037 only method to get under overhanging branches. You need a spin casting or spinning rig because a level wind reel just doesn’t ski8p well. Make a flat hard cast ontorepparttar 133038 water’s surface so that it will make a low skip. This will reach bass hangouts impossible to attain in any other way.

Ripping – This will surprise reluctant bass to strike a worm. Letrepparttar 133039 worm settle torepparttar 133040 bottom and lie there for about 20 seconds. Reel slack out ofrepparttar 133041 line and pick uprepparttar 133042 worm with a long, sharp upsweep ofrepparttar 133043 rod tip. Let it settle torepparttar 133044 bottom under tension as you slowly lowerrepparttar 133045 rod tip. Repeat for three or four rips. Strikes will come.

Drift trolling – move torepparttar 133046 head of a deep hole and letrepparttar 133047 wind carry you quietly acrossrepparttar 133048 lake while your worm crawls across bottom cover. Raise and lowerrepparttar 133049 worm as it contacts bottom. Pickups usually happen asrepparttar 133050 worm is being pulled offrepparttar 133051 cover.

Flyrodding – Fill a single action flyreel with backing and about 50 yards of 10-pound monofilament. Rig a six-inch worm weedless and add a small split-shot ahead ofrepparttar 133052 hook so it will sink slowly. Either flip or flat-castrepparttar 133053 worm into every pocket you see and feed it line as it slowly settles to bottom. Keeprepparttar 133054 flyrod tip low so that you can make a long, sweeping strike when you feel a bass inhalerepparttar 133055 worm. This is practical in ponds, lakes or streams.

Worm rig

One ofrepparttar 133056 biggest problems with fishing a worm isrepparttar 133057 inability to sense strikes. Usuallyrepparttar 133058 inability to sense them is due to a sinker that is too heavy and a line that is too thick.

Use a variable buoyancy worm using lead strip sinkers. Here are some advantages:

No moving lead onrepparttar 133059 line to dampenrepparttar 133060 feel of a gentle pickup You can applyrepparttar 133061 precise amount of lead to deliverrepparttar 133062 worm action needed It makes it easier for a bass to inhalerepparttar 133063 worm It aids in hook setting It’s easier to shake loose from snags You can causerepparttar 133064 worm to hang virtually suspended overrepparttar 133065 bottom when fishing shallow water.

To tell how much lead strip is needed, wrap one strip aroundrepparttar 133066 hook and buryrepparttar 133067 barb inrepparttar 133068 worm. Ease it intorepparttar 133069 water and watch it sink, it should barely settle towardrepparttar 133070 bottom. If it sinks to fast, take some off, etc. A slow decent isrepparttar 133071 ticket here.

Make sure to use no heavier than 8-pound mono line – preferably 6 pound.

Weather Matters

Inrepparttar 133072 early spring and fall bass will smash top water lures such as floating propeller types and poppers. They are also likely to take surface lures when found in shallow water, such as along shorelines near overhanging trees.

Asrepparttar 133073 temperature rises andrepparttar 133074 bass are inrepparttar 133075 cooler, deeper holes, change your technique. You need something to dredgerepparttar 133076 bottom. The plastic worm is ideal for this, evenrepparttar 133077 most sluggish bass will respond when you drag one slowly past its nose.

Crank baits

When fishing a tidal river for bass, cast crank baits nearrepparttar 133078 mouths of tiny feeder streams onrepparttar 133079 falling tide. Bass hang out whererepparttar 133080 water depth drops off, waiting for crayfish, crabs and minnows to be washed out.


One ofrepparttar 133081 best baits for small mouth bass in rivers isrepparttar 133082 hellgrammite,repparttar 133083 larva ofrepparttar 133084 Dobson fly. Gather these from beneath rocks in shallow riffles with a mesh net or seine. Fish them on No. 4 or 6 fine-wire hooks, drifting them naturally through pools and runs below rapids.

A Trick Most Bass Fishermen Don’t Know

First and foremost, most bass fishermen are not aware of The Evening Secret which is a special device that will bring feeding fish swarming to your location onrepparttar 133085 water. It works like a charm.

Cast a worm over a limber branch and reel it back so that its tail just touchesrepparttar 133086 water. Then jigglerepparttar 133087 rod tip, makingrepparttar 133088 worm squirm and wriggle just aboverepparttar 133089 surface. Bass will often leap right out ofrepparttar 133090 water to snatch it.

Night Fishing

Many anglers haverepparttar 133091 idea that bass do not see well at night and won’t strike. Although it is true that bass cannot see well at night, but they have an amazing ability to pick up disturbances onrepparttar 133092 water and hone in on unsuspecting bait. Given this, lures that vibrate will causerepparttar 133093 most underwater disturbance and are most effective. You can also drill a small hole in balsa or plastic lures to place small BB’s in them to make some noise.

Copyright 2005 Fishing

Long-Time Fisherman and friend of EveningSecretFishing (

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How Sports Psychology Can Improve Performance

Written by Dr. Patrick J. Cohn

Continued from page 1

7. Improve or balance motivation for optimal performance. It’s important to look at your level of motivation and just why you are motivated to play your sport. Some motivators are better inrepparttar long-term than others. Athletes who are extrinsically motivated often play forrepparttar 133034 wrong reasons, such asrepparttar 133035 athlete who only participates in sports because of a parent. I work with athlete to help them adopt a healthy level of motivation and be motivated forrepparttar 133036 right reasons.

8. Develop confidence post-injury. Some athletes find themselves fully prepared physically to get back into competition and practice, but mentally some scars remain. Injury can hurt confidence, generate doubt during competition, and cause a lack of focus. I help athletes mentally heal from injuries and deal withrepparttar 133037 fear of re-injury.

9. To develop game-specific strategies and game plans. All great coaches employ game plans, race strategies, and course management skills to help athletes mentally prepare for competition. This is an area beyond developing basic mental skills in which a mental coach helps athletes and teams. This is very important in sports such as golf, racing, and many team sports.

10. To identify and enterrepparttar 133038 “zone” more often. This incorporates everything I do inrepparttar 133039 mental side of sports. The overall aim is to help athletes enterrepparttar 133040 zone by developing foundational mental skills that can help athletes enterrepparttar 133041 zone more frequently. It’s impossible to play inrepparttar 133042 zone everyday, but you can setrepparttar 133043 conditions for it to happen more often.

I will add that sport psychology may not be appropriate for every athlete. Not every person who plays a sport wants to “improve performance.” Sport psychology is probably not for recreation athletes who participate forrepparttar 133044 social component of a sport or do not spend time working on technique or fitness to improve performance. Young athletes whose parents want them to see a sports psychologist are not good candidate either. It’s very important thatrepparttar 133045 athlete desires to improve his or her mental game without havingrepparttar 133046 motive to satisfy a parent. Similarly, an athlete who sees a mental game expert only to satisfy a coach is not going to fully benefit from mental training.

Sports Psychology does apply to a wide variety of serious athletes. Most of my students (junior, high school, college, and professional athletes) are highly committed to excellence and seeing how far they can go in sports. They love competition and testing themselves againstrepparttar 133047 best in their sport. They understandrepparttar 133048 importance of a positive attitude and mental toughness. These athletes want every possible advantage they can get includingrepparttar 133049 mental edge overrepparttar 133050 competition.

Dr. Patrick J. Cohn is a master mental game coach who works with athletes of all levels including amateur and professionals. Visit to gain access to over 500 exclusive mental game articles, audio programs, and interviews with athletes and coaches to enhance your athletic potential: or call 888-742-7225.

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