Basic Weight Management

Written by Richard Rigor

Continued from page 1
pounds are shed inrepparttar long run. Andrepparttar 112960 number of calories burned depends uponrepparttar 112961 duration and intensity orrepparttar 112962 activity. Slow and steady isrepparttar 112963 rule of thumb. And note daily progress. For those who have never been very active at all, it may be advisable to begin slow like with walking 10 minutes each day, gradually building up time and distance with increased "brisk" pacing. Even if you can't get out to walk, bike or swim, take stairs instead of elevators and escalators. Clean your house. Clean your car. Wash windows. Wash your dog. Check out exercise videos, cassettes and workout books fromrepparttar 112964 public library and put some of their ideas into action (Visit for more info). Check out your local fitness centers, YMCA, community center, too, for ideas. Partner up with a neighbor to walk or join a community volleyball team. There are unlimited ways to be active and enjoy life atrepparttar 112965 same time without using painful weight loss strategies.

Richard Rigor is the author of "The Ideal Body Fat Loss Guide." Publishers can get new content each month at

Golf Grub

Written by William Breland

Continued from page 1


Hydration is an imperative component inrepparttar successful golfers game. Consuming adequate fluids before, during and after playing golf is beneficial. Even a slight decrease in bodyweight due to dehydration can affect your performance and result in fatigue & mental dullness. Consume approximately 8 oz of fluid before tee time. While golfing consume 4-8 oz of fluid every15-20 minutes or at every hole. If celebrating with alcoholic beverages is planned atrepparttar 112959 19th hole, alternate fluid (nonalcoholic) with alcoholic drinks. Alcohol acts as a diuretic and actually increases fluid loss, so it is not a good choice forrepparttar 112960 replacement of fluids lost duringrepparttar 112961 round of golf.

To help your performance try these nutrition tips as you eat for “peak performance!”


1 cup oatmeal 1 banana or 1 cup orange juice 1 cup skim milk or 1 cup nonfat yogurt 2 slices whole-wheat toast 2 teaspoons margarine AFTER THE 9TH HOLE

12 ounces Sports Drink 2 tablespoons peanut butter and crackers or 1 piece of fruit or 1 granola or cereal bar POST GAME

Don’t forget to re-hydrate as mentioned above! 3-4 ounces grilled chicken breast 1 cup brown rice 1 cup steamed broccoli 1 cup mixed greens salad 2 teaspoons low fat dressing 1 cup fruit salad These are just a few tips to jump start proper fueling as an important and integral part of your training program. Each athlete is unique and has different training schedules, food preferences, lifestyle factors, and weight concerns. For a more individualized assessment and recommendations for your needs submit a rquest at:

William Breland has been a Physical Therapist for over 25 years. He is the ONLY Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Therapy and Touring Golf Professional in the United States.

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