Baptism for the little ones...

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

Let me continue, please. Circumcision,repparttar sign of God’s covenant betweenrepparttar 142562 people of Abraham and Himself, was performed on every male child who was eight days old (Genesis 17:12). Many see a direct parallel between circumcision and Christian baptism in scriptural passages such as Colossians 2:11-12. If baptism isrepparttar 142563 “New Testament circumcision” there can definitely be no objection to “sealing”repparttar 142564 infant of a consecrated Christian family in Christ’s New Covenant.

Continuing. Moses led his people throughrepparttar 142565 Red Sea. This is seen as an Old Testament foreshadowing of Christian baptism. (See I Corinthians 10:1-4.) It is worthwhile to note that “all were baptized” through Moses’ leadership in crossing overrepparttar 142566 Red Sea. He did not leaverepparttar 142567 infants or children onrepparttar 142568 shores of Egypt to become prey torepparttar 142569 angry armies of Pharaoh because they were not old enough to believe inrepparttar 142570 promise ofrepparttar 142571 Old Covenant. But, rather, entrusted torepparttar 142572 arms of their parents’ faith, they were carried throughrepparttar 142573 “baptism of Moses.”

Continuing, please. The saving of Noah’s entire family byrepparttar 142574 ark can also be seen as a prefigurement of a baptism which includes infants. All that needs to be said, as inrepparttar 142575 case of Moses’ passing throughrepparttar 142576 Red Sea, is thatrepparttar 142577 entire family was on boardrepparttar 142578 ark. In this regard, why should infants be left out ofrepparttar 142579 ark of baptism?

Continuing. Larry Christenson, in his pamphlet “What About Baptism” quotes Edmund Schlink (author of The Doctrine of Baptism) as stating thatrepparttar 142580 rejection of infant baptism was based onrepparttar 142581 secular philosophy ofrepparttar 142582 sixteenth century which assured man’s individuality, and was notrepparttar 142583 result of a new scriptural inquiry: “Belief was seen in rationalistic and volitional terms, as an act ofrepparttar 142584 mind andrepparttar 142585 will. ‘Because an infant cannot think or decide, it cannot have faith, and therefore should not be baptized.’ To this day, that isrepparttar 142586 only argument raised againstrepparttar 142587 validity of infant baptism. One tosses offrepparttar 142588 sentence as though it were self-evident truth: ‘A child can’t believe.’ But that ‘truth,’ upon examination, is neither self-evident, nor is it Biblical.”

Christenson goes on to say that faith is not merely a product or reason but revelation. It is a relationship of love and trust, a relationship which is not limited torepparttar 142589 mind. (Consider these scriptures: Psalm 22:9, Mark 9:42 and Luke 1:44.) Again, time does not afford merepparttar 142590 opportunity to quoterepparttar 142591 early church fathers and their teachings regarding infant baptism. Suffice to say that almost all were in agreement that infant baptism was scriptural and should be carried out inrepparttar 142592 church.

I believe that baptism ofrepparttar 142593 infant is significant to our covenant relationship with God through Jesus Christrepparttar 142594 Son. I believe that infant baptism should be practiced inrepparttar 142595 local church; however, I defer my personal belief torepparttar 142596 parents. Ifrepparttar 142597 parents want their baby baptized, I will performrepparttar 142598 baptism withrepparttar 142599 infant’s dedication. Again,repparttar 142600 issue is not to dividerepparttar 142601 body who dissents but to coverrepparttar 142602 babies with covenant before God. This can’t hurt but only help.

Keeprepparttar 142603 faith. Stayrepparttar 142604 course. Jesus is coming again soon.

Pastor T

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. US Navy veteran, retired police officer with the city of Tulsa, and father of three grown children.

Great White Throne Judgment

Written by Michael Bradley

Continued from page 1

Some people ask how could a loving God create such a horrible place of torment for people to end up in if they choose for whatever reason not to accept Him. I believe there is only one answer to that question.

I believe God has everything set up on a "all or nothing" principle. There is only maximum life or maximum death. If you choose God and Jesus, then you will end up with maximum life inrepparttar new heaven and new earth. If you do not choose God and Jesus, then you will end up with maximum death - which isrepparttar 142295 Lake of Fire and Brimstone. There is no middle ground or neutral areas! It's all or nothing. It's God orrepparttar 142296 Devil. It's heaven or hell. It's maximum life or maximum death. It's really all black and white.
Godrepparttar 142297 Father is a God of maximum intensity. He is not playing games. There is only one God and one Savior - Jesus Christ! There is only one way to live and that is to choose God and Jesus and follow all of Their ways and all of Their commandments. Here isrepparttar 142298 Scripture verse that I feel really captures this thought:
"... I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may loverepparttar 142299 Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life andrepparttar 142300 length of your days ..." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

I don’t think God could make things any more clearer thanrepparttar 142301 way that He has it spelled out in that verse. That verse is about as black and white as you can possibly get. You’ll notice that God says nothing about any type of neutral areas or any type of middle ground. However,repparttar 142302 actual choice is up to each and every person. God will not force Himself or His ways on anyone. Each person has to freely choose God and His ways with their own free wills. If they don’t - for whatever reason -repparttar 142303 consequence will be maximum death inrepparttar 142304 most horrible place imaginable.

The other thing to understand about why God would create such a horrible place is to just look at some ofrepparttar 142305 people who commit pure evil in this life. The serial killers,repparttar 142306 rapists,repparttar 142307 murderers,repparttar 142308 leaders of nations who enslave and torture their own people. Just look atrepparttar 142309 nature of Satan himself and allrepparttar 142310 horrors and evil he has caused throughoutrepparttar 142311 history of our earth. Some of these fallen angels and evil human beings deserve nothing less that maximum death, which really does line up with their evil natures and personalities.

The real sad part about all of this is why a certain percentage ofrepparttar 142312 angels and humans have chosen to live their lives onrepparttar 142313 "dark side," and to allow themselves to deteriorate torepparttar 142314 lower levels ofrepparttar 142315 dark side where they themselves have now become pure evil - giving God no other alternative but to throw them into this lake of fire forrepparttar 142316 rest of their eternal lives.

None of these angels and humans were born or created pure evil. They became pure evil overrepparttar 142317 course of their lives and they freely chose to do so with their own free wills. To fully understand why these humans and fallen angels have chosen to live this life onrepparttar 142318 dark side, when they also had a chance to choose God andrepparttar 142319 "good side" of this life will probably always remain a mystery.

But for those who have chosen God and His ways - you will not have to go throughrepparttar 142320 Great White Throne Judgment. Your reward is going to be maximum life - and this reward is going to berepparttar 142321 new heaven andrepparttar 142322 new earth. I will discuss whatrepparttar 142323 Bible has to say about this new paradise inrepparttar 142324 next article.

Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible Knowledge and commentary. You have permission to print off this article on their website atGreat White Throne Judgment

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