Bandwidth Explained

Written by Breal Web Design

Continued from page 1

Using Breal as an example, if 1,000 visitors viewed every page onrepparttar site,repparttar 134409 total data transfer would be 2 GB (1,000 x 2 MB = 2,000 MB) or a single 10 KB file could be viewed 200,000 times andrepparttar 134410 data transfer would be 2 GB. Most professional level websites will use less than 2 GB bandwidth per month.

Why do some companies charge for bandwidth and data transfer, while others claim you can have unlimited bandwith and data transfer?

Strangely enough, free onrepparttar 134411 Internet often means fee. Look closely at many ofrepparttar 134412 unlimited offers and you will discover that there is a limit to bandwidth. You may need to contactrepparttar 134413 company and ask them to define what they mean by 'unlimited'.

For information on Breal's hosting plans, visit

Breal provides cost effective web site design and hosting with a full 30 day money back guarantee. Web hosting even comes with six months free hosting on yearly accounts. To find out more visit For a complete list of current articles, send any email to

Virtual Hospitality - The Quest For Free, High-Quality, Webhosting

Written by Philip Naudus

Continued from page 1

April newsletter. Refer torepparttar end of this article) in "Design Mode." After that, click where you wantrepparttar 134408

feature to go, and select "Pase in HTML" fromrepparttar 134409 "Edit" menu. And Selida doesrepparttar 134410 rest for you. It's that


Your URL will be They do require that you place "This website is being

hosted for free by" somewhere on your site, but this doesn't detract much from your site.

Sign up for FreeWebs' service at You won't

regret it!

#2: Portland

If you desire an easy to use hosting service, Portland Communications isrepparttar 134411 best provider for you. While

FreeWebs provides many attractive services, it seems to forgetrepparttar 134412 "basic necessities." (like being able

to upload more that one file at a time)

Placing second with a hit counter and 15 megabytes of ad-free space, Portland Communications has a few

distinct advantages over FreeWebs.

First, Portland provides a much more favorable URL: It is much easier to

remember, and it even appears that you have your own domain name!

Second, you can upload multiple files at once. FreeWebs only allows you to upload one file at a time,

which I found to be a very tedious process. Portland allows FTP access, which means that you can simply

selectrepparttar 134413 files you wish to upload and return whenrepparttar 134414 process is completed.

Note: FTP may be somewhat tricky forrepparttar 134415 beginner, so you may want to use FreeWebs or Portland, depending

on if you are comfortable with using FTP. I'd suggest trying both of them, and see which on you like

better. If you decide to use Portland, you can purchase a great FTP client (or download a free trial) at If you'd like to use a free FTP

client, you will find one at

If you want to be able to upload your website without a hassle, Portland isrepparttar 134416 hosting provider for you.

Visit and sign up for their free

service. Note: althoughrepparttar 134417 server is inrepparttar 134418 UK, your site will have a ".com" address.

Fast Url

Some ofrepparttar 134419 hosting services mentioned above provide URLs that are hard to remember. Instead of trying to

make your visitors remember such a cumbersome URL, you can get a Fast URL like "" You can

even chose from multiple ".to" addresses. To sign up for this free service, visit,

then click "Web Tools and Services," then click "Fast URL Redirect." You must have a website before you

can sign up for Fast URL.

General Note: When uploading your website, make sure to name your homepage "index.htm" or

"index.html." This is becauserepparttar 134420 only wayrepparttar 134421 server knows which page isrepparttar 134422 homepage is by looking for a

file named "index."

Launching a website isrepparttar 134423 goal,repparttar 134424 dream, andrepparttar 134425 joy atrepparttar 134426 heart of every web developer. It is a

symbol of achievement - a sign of accomplishment. Launching your site enables you to reachrepparttar 134427 world. Few

things can compare withrepparttar 134428 satisfaction received from launching a website. Once you launch your site, it

seems to pay for allrepparttar 134429 time you spent creating it... and makes it all worthwhile. Not only is launching

your site free and rewarding, butrepparttar 134430 feedback received from visitors brings instant gratification. Sign

up for a free web hosting service. I'm sure you won't regret it.

This article is a sequel to "Creating Your Own Website," which can be found at href="" rel="nofollow">

Philip Naudus is currently webmaster of three sites. His newest site is href="" rel="nofollow">, which is made to help webmasters find the best web

design software.

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