Banana Republic

Written by malcolm james pugh

Continued from page 1

How is it that we, lostrepparttar option to be free, How did we give away our right to choice, How did we believe, whilst being deceived, When did we decide to lose our voice. How did we selectrepparttar 122750 politically correct, Why are we victims of unpunished crime Were we such fools as not to seerepparttar 122751 tools Or did we think they would go away in time.

The tap is darkly dripping, droplets that are gripping Our throats today our minds in time to come We must turnrepparttar 122752 tide, and reaffirm our pride, We must prove we are not deaf and dumb. It is no good wailing, chained up to your railing, That you wantrepparttar 122753 vote back like before, For no one hears your plea, they are deaf to you and me, No on cares about us any more.

This is about manipulation, of us and of our nation This is about illusions triumph over actual reason, This is about lies, andrepparttar 122754 power to mesermerise, This is about a slowly creeping treason, This is aboutrepparttar 122755 eviscery, ofrepparttar 122756 neutral BBC, This is about what poison will soon take its place, This is about five year plans, and Citizens of Euroland, This is about civil service, with a very red face, This is about soaps and plays, which in very subtle ways, Try to put into our minds new sets of plausible truths, This is about newspaper demise, inrepparttar 122757 guise of purveying lies, Whilstrepparttar 122758 state preaches Pravda through schools to our youth, This is about vision and sound, and any means that is allowed, Trying to persuade you against your own common sense, This is about duplicity, making seem true what cannot be, And hoping you will at very least sit onrepparttar 122759 fence. This is about unelected expertise, being paid huge taxpayer fees, Alaister Campbells school of used car salesmen integrity, This about usage of such curs, and their lies, and their slurs, To pullrepparttar 122760 wool overrepparttar 122761 eyes of you and me.

Maybe feeble opposition is fuelling this submission, But this is not about parties or their competence, This is simply a war, not about who to vote for, But who to definitely vote against.

originally civil engineer then not so civil systems programmer, now old and slightly deranged aging hippy

Why do you want more money?

Written by Leon van der Walt

Continued from page 1

My list is far longer andrepparttar reasons (the why) mostly valid. The needs and wants, however, seem almost childish at times. Yet it is these needs and wants that isrepparttar 122749 real driving force behind some ofrepparttar 122750 things that I do.

It is nothing to be ashamed of and it is valuable to know what drives you. In fact, you might realise thatrepparttar 122751 need or want that you need money to satisfy, can be satisfied by some other means and that money is only one ofrepparttar 122752 paths that will take you there.

Explore your inner self andrepparttar 122753 reasons that you desire money. Do this, not so that you feel guilty or doubt your own desires, but that you may know yourself more intimately. Know what it is that drives you. And may you realise that money is of itself not an end, but only a means to an end.

Leon van der Walt is an aspiring netrepreneur in the fields of inspiration and financial freedom. Leon has a masters degree in quantitative risk management and when not working on the Net is a bank employee. He strives to continually improve himself and is focussing on increasing financial literacy. He is the web master at and can be contacted at through the contact form on the website.

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