Balance Your Home Business and Your Family Life?

Written by Dawn Roberts

Continued from page 1
  • Before you go torepparttar next step, you must schedule time for yourself. Give yourself at least ten to fifteen minutes each and every day for you to be with yourself! Do not overlap anything else with this block of time. This is time for you to enjoy a cup of tea, read, talk to a friend onrepparttar 116545 phone - just whatever you like to do. This small amount of "Me time" will give yourepparttar 116546 intellectual and physical energy your body needs to carry you through each day.
  • Your schedule is most likely getting very full by now. Atrepparttar 116547 same time, I'm willing to bet you're surprised there are available blocks of time left over. Now is when you add items from your wish list. However, be careful not to fill up every available minute of time there is. If you do so, I guarantee you'll end up frustrated at not fulfilling your daily tasks. Keep in mind that your children will require your help for homework, your spouse will need you to help with a project or lend a supportive ear and your mother will call when she's not "scheduled" to.
  • Keep your planner with you at all times. Refer to it hourly and check off completed tasks immediately. You'll soon realize you are accomplishing far more than you were before and you're far more productive than you thought imaginable.

    Lastly, when you're working, place a sign on your door, forward your calls to voice mail (if possible. However, look at your call display as calls are coming in, just in case your child's school is calling or your spouse is calling from work - it may be urgent) and send your family and friends a cheerful email telling them your working hours forrepparttar 116548 week. You need to make it as easy as possible for you to be productive while you're working.

    If you have toddlers around, have a "Special Toybox" (a Rubbermaid or Tupperware container will do) filled with some of their favorite toys. Pull this out when you're working and make a big deal about it. Let them know that while you're working, they get to play withrepparttar 116549 "Special Toybox" items and when you're done, that toybox goes away. They will be less likely to wander around and interrupt you if they know their time is limited to play with these toys.

    Most importantly, rememberrepparttar 116550 days of June Cleaver are long gone. Besides, I never saw old June parked in front of her computer, answering umpteen different emails, calling customers while atrepparttar 116551 same time, getting dinner ready! Life is not perfect and neither are we. Dorepparttar 116552 best you can with what you have available to you. And always remember, your child's request for a hug should outweigh anything else your have scheduled!

    The author, Dawn Roberts, is the creator of - your complete home business resource. IFHB will help you from the planning stage, straight through to marketing your ideas for home businesses! Learn how you can start, maintain and propel a phenomenally successful home based business!

    The Perils of Working From Home

    Written by Dawn Roberts

    Continued from page 1

    You can become unbelievably successful working from home! However, be aware ofrepparttar drawbacks ahead of time. Confirm any claims a company makes. Check references. Make sure there is ample training available. Be aware of any additional costs (training materials, required seminars, sales aids, etc)

    I was very fortunate to enroll withrepparttar 116544 team that I did choose to work with from home with. That's one ofrepparttar 116545 things I like best - it's a team of individuals working from home and supporting one another. Everything was spelled out fromrepparttar 116546 beginning and although we work for ourselves, we don't work by ourselves. Yes, there are a lot of people making hundreds of thousands of dollars with this company. Some of them are doctors. Some of them hold prestigious degrees. Most of them are work at home mothers that have made enough money to bring their husbands home. A lot of them are single mothers that have assured their children's futures and don't have to go to bed each night, worrying how they're going to payrepparttar 116547 bills. In all of their cases, it required hard work, dedication and a drive to succeed "no matter what". In my opinion, those arerepparttar 116548 qualities that will make your a success working from home. If you happen to have those qualities or you know someone else who shares those qualities, don't hesitate to visit Moms For Life.

    I do wish each and every one of you tremendous personal and entrepreneurial success!

    The author, Dawn Roberts, is the creator of - your complete home business resource. IFHB will help you from the planning stage, straight through to marketing your ideas for home businesses! Learn how you can start, maintain and propel a phenomenally successful home based business!

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