Bad Breath Cause & Cure

Written by

Continued from page 1

Followrepparttar good oral hygiene rules.

  • Washrepparttar 114513 tongue with baking soda dissolved in warm water.

  • Brush and floss teeth regularly.

  • Clean and replace your toothbrush regularly.

  • Avoid mouthwashes with dyes and alcohol.

  • Parsley, coriander, clove, fennel and anise seeds are great breath freshners.

  • You should take all care in cleaning your teeth by using proper tooth brush and adopting correct brushing technique for bad breath cure. -----------------
    This article has been written by
    For more natural remedies visit for natural bad breath cure.

    This article has been written by
    For more natural remedies visit for natural bad breath cure.

  • Stem Cell Research

    Written by Gerald Armstrong

    Continued from page 1

    Non-embryonic stem cell research has produced therapies for more than forty ailments including, heart disease, lupus, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, brain hemorrhage, brain tumors, retinoblastoma, ovian cancer, sarcomas, scleroderma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer and others. There have been no therapies from embryonic stem cell research so far simply because researchers have been using generic stem cells and there has not been one penny of public or private research money available forrepparttar real solution, therapeutic cloning stem cell research. While adult stem cell research received 190 million dollars fromrepparttar 114512 U.S federal government in 2003. Therapeutic cloning stem cell research received zero dollars in funding support in 2003! What can you expect with zero dollars allotted to this life-saving research. Why hasn’t there been a cure from therapeutic cloning stem cell research so far? The answer is plain and simple, fear and ignorance has restrictedrepparttar 114513 research!

    Gen Cells Cures doesn’t like working with generic stem cells created from an egg and a sperm cell. There is no genetic match for our patient and you destroyrepparttar 114514 embryo that could have gone on to become a baby. The company likes working with perfectly matched cells created from a patient’s skin cell and a human egg cell. You have a perfect genetic match andrepparttar 114515 stem cell is made young again . While we likerepparttar 114516 applications of adult stem cells and will use adult cells until we unravelrepparttar 114517 secrets of therapeutic cloning. We would rather have our cure come from perfectly matched fresh young stems cells rather than adult stem cells that are as old as our patient! We seerepparttar 114518 somatic cell nuclear transferred stem cell brought back torepparttar 114519 beginning of life asrepparttar 114520 key to unlockingrepparttar 114521 aging clock. We just don’t see a skin cell matched with an egg cell as a human being.

    Fortunately for those of you withrepparttar 114522 ways and means andrepparttar 114523 vision to seerepparttar 114524 new dawn of stem cell research there is a way out for you and that way out is your own private medical research, (private stem cell research.) Gen Cells Cures is searching desperately forrepparttar 114525 funding to carry outrepparttar 114526 research that has been put on indefinite hold inrepparttar 114527 U.S. andrepparttar 114528 West. If someone knows a millionaire or a billionaire without a cause, please direct him or her to this stem cell research article. And if you know some one who is in desperate need of a cure, but is poor, send him or her to us anyway. Maybe we can find their cure with our dime store michroscopes while we wait forrepparttar 114529 support to arrive to buyrepparttar 114530 high quality michroscopes we need to dorepparttar 114531 job. God tends to look after his flock. Gen Cells Cures offers stem cell research that includes a combination of an accumulation of today’s best science and molecular biology that fuses therapeutic cloning stem cell research and genomics, (without political or legislative restraints.) Gen Cells Cures futuristic medical research technologies are available torepparttar 114532 public now! Stem cell therapies and cures are just aroundrepparttar 114533 corner brought to you by Gen Cell Cures advanced stem cell research... No FDA approval needed! Stem cell research, stem cell research and more stem cell research is your solution and stem cell research isrepparttar 114534 solution forrepparttar 114535 world.

    Article by Gerald Armstrong- Gerald isrepparttar 114536 owner of Gen Cells Cures Visit his group for information about “the cure” for incurable diseases and aging. Group address

    Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to finding “The Cure” for incurable diseases and aging. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. I am passionate about molecular biology and what we can do with science to find “The Cure” for those of you suffering from aging and incurable diseases.

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