Backing Up Your Stuff Part 1: The Problem

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

I used to create a backup of my entire system to a Zip drive once a week. This soon required two zip disks, then 3 and then a dozen. I switched to tape, which helped for a while. Before too long, however, I found my backups took all night long and required several tape changes. This was getting out of hand - not only didrepparttar backup require an incredible amount of time, butrepparttar 132089 system was slow while it was running and it was obvious that it would be very difficult to do a restore if it became necessary.

At this point, many people makerepparttar 132090 fatal decision to stop performing backups at all. This is not a good idea, as there are many hazards torepparttar 132091 health of your computer.

- Hundreds and even thousands of new viruses are created monthly. Any one of these could destroy your system and erase years of work. Even if you haverepparttar 132092 best antivirus software onrepparttar 132093 planet, there is stillrepparttar 132094 possibility that a new virus could get through your defenses. A hacker could penetrate your firewalls (assuming you have one) and do whatever he pleased. He could, if he wanted, delete files, modify them or even download them to his own system.

- Your system could be damaged or destroyed by more mundane threats such as water leaking fromrepparttar 132095 upstairs bathtub or mice chewing onrepparttar 132096 disk cables.

- You could accidentally delete files yourself.

- A new installation of a program or an operating system upgrade could render your system unusable.

- I have heard tales of lightening striking nearby power poles and rendering systems completely unusable.

So if your system is getting so crowded that is is difficult if not impossible to perform a full backup, what do you do to protect yourself?

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

Keeping Your Internet Business Safe From Hackers

Written by Said Rouhani

Continued from page 1

4. Don't download just any file offrepparttar Internet. Be very careful what you download offrepparttar 132088 Net, as files might be laced with viruses (or trojan horses - programs which maliciously give hackers control over your computer). Only download files from sites and merchants you have researched and trust.

5. If you don't want others to have access to your computer while you're away from it, you can enable your screensaver password. You've probably seen this in action in computer stores: you approach this cool computer with a fancy screensaver dancing acrossrepparttar 132089 screen. When you press a key or moverepparttar 132090 mouse, you get an input box asking you for a password. To setrepparttar 132091 password go to "Display" inrepparttar 132092 "Control Panel" if you're on a Windows PC, then click onrepparttar 132093 "Screensaver" tab. You'll find a checkbox that says "Password Protected" - check it and set your password. By repparttar 132094 way, this has nothing to do withrepparttar 132095 Internet. It's an "offline" security measure.

6. When you're not usingrepparttar 132096 Internet, just disconnect. This will definitely stoprepparttar 132097 hackers... they can't enter through repparttar 132098 powercord ;-)

Put these tips into action and prevent yourself later hassle and heartache. You'll be pleased to know that these simple steps can eliminaterepparttar 132099 majority of security threats you face as an Internet entrepreneur.

Rememberrepparttar 132100 old business adage: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

Said Rouhani is the editor of the free All-About-Making-Money-Online Ezine (AAMMO Ezine), revealing insider money making tactics for the home-business entrepreneur. Subscribe today and receive 3 high-quality bonus ebooks... including the CashFlow Reporter revealing insider marketing tactics of the most successful Internet entrepreneurs:

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