Baby Steps To Writing Success

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

Take comfort from this:repparttar joy is inrepparttar 129293 journey, inrepparttar 129294 writing. When your fantasy comes true,repparttar 129295 glow will last for a short time. What lasts longer, is your memory ofrepparttar 129296 pleasurerepparttar 129297 writing brought you, while you were writing.

So sincerepparttar 129298 joy of writing is your takeaway, take that joy right now. It's yours already.

=> Four: Be courageous: submit your work

The final baby step is submitting your work. Consider yourself a success as soon as you've submitted your work. You don’t have any control over whether someone buys it, but you do have control overrepparttar 129299 submission process.

There's only one guarantee: if you keep writing and keep submitting, sooner or later you will sell your work.

What happens then? You repeat Steps One, Two, Three, and Four. See? It's just baby steps. Start stepping!

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Veteran multi-published author and copywriter Angela Booth crafts words for your business --- words to sell, educate or persuade. E-books and e-courses on Web site. FREE ezines for writers and small biz:

Writer, author and journalist Angela Booth has been writing successfully for print and online venues for 25 years. She also writes for business.

What Makes One Book Outsell Another?

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

Finally, testimonials arerepparttar number one way to turn your potential buyer into a "take-out-their-credit-card-buyer." For information on how to get testimonials ask a book coach.

7. Create your written marketing plan before you finish chapter one. This plan covers your first year's launch period and lifetime plan. You'll want to market at least two years. Inexperienced authors wait until publication and lose a great deal of sales.

Your plan could include how many books you want to sell, your 30 second tell and sell, book reviews, news releases,repparttar 129291 Online articles to market your book,repparttar 129292 book signings, talks, electronic newsletters, and a book Web site. Without a written plan, an author creates vague results.

8. Put as much time into marketing as you didrepparttar 129293 writing of your book. Your goal is to have people read and learn from your unique message. Why plant a garden if you don't harvest it? John Kremer, book marketing guru, and author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Book, says to do five things each day. Five calls, five press releases, five Online contacts or a combination of tasks. The book coach says spend 6-9 hours a week on Online promotion.

9. Include Online marketing to sell more books. While you can sell your books on other sites, such as, you will eventually want your own. You will make much less with Amazon and you have to pay for shipping too. An author without a Web site is like a person without a name. As an entrepreneur, your site needs to attract visitors and sell your products and service. Here you include testimonials, benefit driven headlines, and your sales letter to get your visitor to become a customer.

10. Start promoting your book several ways. If press releases, book signings, and back ofrepparttar 129294 room sales dim, include Online promotion such as writing and submitting how-to articles to top ezines and web sites. When you use his virtual marketing machine-the Internet- you will keep your book dream alive-- getting it intorepparttar 129295 hands of thousands of readers rather than a few.

Start marketing your book right now, even if you don't have a Web site. Research by reading articles, contacting professional book and web coaches, or take a teleclass to find out how to learn non-techie ways to start your lifetime book promotion journey. Master book marketing like you would eat an elephant --one bite at a time! Watch your sales grow!

Judy Cullins: 20-year author, publisher, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online Send an email to FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Ph:619/466/0622

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