Baby Shower On a Budget

Written by Cathy Cripps

Continued from page 1


For a fun baby shower filled with laughter and some very interesting names, create a theme around namingrepparttar baby. Throughoutrepparttar 139558 day or evening,repparttar 139559 guests will be asked to wear nametags ofrepparttar 139560 name for a boy and girl they like best.

In addition, each guest will be given an envelope with anywhere from five to nine letters, chosen at random. Their mission, if they choose to accept it, is to unscramblerepparttar 139561 letters to come up with a baby name. This theme is wonderful and creates a light environment and some very strange names.

Ifrepparttar 139562 weather is expected to be nice and there is adequate room outdoors, set up a tropical oasis, complete with lights strung up outside, floating candles inrepparttar 139563 pool, Tiki torches, Hawaiian leis, and so on. Have beach music playing inrepparttar 139564 background and for food, serve ham, fresh fruit, barbecue, fruit punch, etc. This provides a relaxing environment forrepparttar 139565 expectant couple as they prepare forrepparttar 139566 big day.


For this baby shower theme, each guest would be assigned a gift that would be used at a specific time of day. For example, 7:00 a.m. could be a baby bottle, 8:00 a.m., burping pads, 9:00 a.m., baby food and spoon, 1:00 p.m. baby blanket for naptime, 5:00 p.m., bib and so on.


In this case, every guest would be asked to bring a book forrepparttar 139567 baby, ranging from those appropriate for six month to three years of age. Since books are so affordable andrepparttar 139568 variety so great, guests could bring one book, three books, or a book along with another gift.


With this baby shower theme, each ofrepparttar 139569 items brought would be things to support child safety. This might include a non-slip bathtub, warm hooded bath towels to keeprepparttar 139570 little one warm, cabinet and drawer stops, power outlet plugs, soft toys, etc.


Ifrepparttar 139571 expectant couple will have more than one shower, this would be an excellent option. For this theme, rather than guests buying large items, they would bring a sprinkling of small items that are used on a daily basis.

As an example, this would include things like shampoo, powder, diapers, baby wipes, lotion, socks, pacifiers, diaper cream, and so on. Mothers are always running out of supplies. With this theme, she would have a nice supply for months while enjoyingrepparttar 139572 convenience and cost savings.

As you can see, when it comes to baby shower themes,repparttar 139573 possibilities are limitless. As mentioned briefly,repparttar 139574 most important factor to make any baby shower a success is to create a treasured memory. Yes,repparttar 139575 shower is forrepparttar 139576 baby but it is also forrepparttar 139577 parents to share in their joy and help them celebraterepparttar 139578 miracle of birth or adoption.

©2004, All rights Reserved

Cathy is the Owner of Baby Shower Moments and the author of Baby Shower Moments A to Z Guide. If you are looking for baby shower budget pay Cathy a visit.

Baby Shower Themes

Written by Cathy Cripps

Continued from page 1
  • One week of running errands

    Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a breeze for every mother. Some women have complications that can keep her bedridden at home or even atrepparttar hospital. Forrepparttar 139536 expectant mother, waiting forrepparttar 139537 birth of a child from bed is lousy. A baby shower can be customized around her situation to brighten her day, giving her hope while lifting her spirits.

    Instead of waiting onrepparttar 139538 birth ofrepparttar 139539 baby, go ahead and planrepparttar 139540 shower with close family members and friends, bringingrepparttar 139541 shower to her. Remember, afterrepparttar 139542 baby is born, a full-scale shower can always follow. However, for this type of shower, guests should create a miniature gift box or basket. Great ideas of what might be offered include:

    • Craft projects that can be worked on in bed are good choices. This might include cross-stitch, needlepoint, simple paintings, and even handmade ornaments.
    • Books are also excellent ideas but it is important to choose books that she likes. Ask her or her family what types of books she enjoys reading.
    • Puzzles are also a great way forrepparttar 139543 expectant mother to passrepparttar 139544 time. This might include crossword puzzles, other puzzle books, or a flat tray with a small piece puzzle, perhaps of a baby.
    • Video tapes or DVDs are nice in that she can watch her favorite television shows or movies while still gettingrepparttar 139545 rest needed.
    • A day spa certificate to include massage, facial, pedicure, and manicure for after her baby is born would provide her with something to look forward to but you might also go in with other people in having a reflexologist or masseuse come to her.
    • Care package for afterrepparttar 139546 birth, again to help her think aboutrepparttar 139547 future. This could include a trip torepparttar 139548 beauty parlor, dinner out with her husband or friend, housecleaning service for two to four weeks, three to six-month supply of diapers, and so on.
    • Body lotion, perfume, balloons, flowers, and other similar things are always nice to help brightenrepparttar 139549 room and put her in a better mood while waiting for her new bundle of joy to arrive.

    ©2004 Babyshowermoments, All rights Reserved

    Cathy is the owner of and the Author of Baby Shower Moments A to Z Guide for hosting that perfect Baby Shower Party. Visit Cathy for all your baby shower ideas tips and tricks

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