Baby Safety Checklist - Protecting Your Baby

Written by Alli Ross

Continued from page 1

___ Place night-lights at least three feet away fromrepparttar crib, bedding, and draperies to prevent fires.

___ Check age labels for appropriate toys.

Keeprepparttar 110251 bathroom safe:

___ Put a lock onrepparttar 110252 medicine cabinet.

___ Lowerrepparttar 110253 household water temperature. (It should be set at 120 degrees F or below to avoid burning your baby)

___ Always testrepparttar 110254 water first before bathing a child.

___ Never leave your child alone inrepparttar 110255 bathtub or near any water.

___ Secure toilet lids. Many young children are fascinated by putting objects inside.

___ Make sure that bathtubs and showers aren't slippery.

___ Install ground-fault circuit interrupters on outlets near sings and bathtubs.

Forrepparttar 110256 Kitchen:

___ Keep all knives, cleaning supplies, and plastic bags out of children's reach.

___ If stove knobs are easily accessible to children, use protective covers to prevent kids from turning them.

___ Never leave your baby alone in a highchair. Always use all safety straps. ___ Replace any frayed cords and wires. ___ Keep chairs and step stools away from counters andrepparttar 110257 stove.

___ Remove all household cleaners fromrepparttar 110258 bottom cabinets or put them in a cabinet that is out of your baby's reach.

Inrepparttar 110259 Yard:

___ Store tools, garden, lawn-equipment, and supplies in a locked closet or shed.

___ Don't use a power mower when young children are around.

___ Don't allow children to play on a treated lawn for at least 48 hours following an application of a fertilizer or pesticide.

___ Knowrepparttar 110260 types of trees and plant life onrepparttar 110261 property in case children ingest berries, leaves, or other plant life.

___ If you have a swimming pool, install a fence that separatesrepparttar 110262 house fromrepparttar 110263 pool. ( Make sure thatrepparttar 110264 gate is childproof)

This list is a general guide. For more in-depth information go torepparttar 110265 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission at

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Read articles on parenting, family, recipes, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

Two Hearts Are Now One

Written by Rebecca Hanson

Continued from page 1

I wish I could tell you that I was a "good little Christian" who praised and thanked God every day for His righteous judgements--but,repparttar truth is that I questioned God. I really felt that it was unfair of Him to let my dad go free, when he wasrepparttar 110250 one who had done this great wrong to his family, and to allow my mother to die this cruel death. Finally, I asked God, "How do You see this situation?" The answer He spoke to my heart would one day transform all our lives.

About a year after my mother died, I felt something stirring inside of me--a desire to see my dad. Inrepparttar 110251 long eighteen years of separation, I had only invited him once to visit my home and during that visit I had tried again--and unsuccessfully, again--to confront him withrepparttar 110252 Bible. I had no reason to expect that another visit would end differently, but I honored that desire anyway and invited him for a long weekend.

My dad came armed with his own arsenal of justifications. He knew what to expect from me. I hadn't planned anything specific to confront him on--I didn't need to, I had a whole list of offenses that I could whip out at any given moment. So,repparttar 110253 weekend progressed--awkwardly, but quietly.

I had no idea that Spirit was about to move in on us in a powerful way. I simply invited two gentlemen friends over for lunch. They lead a prayer group I attended and I suppose I hoped they would "say something" important to my dad. If not, it was a way to let others meet my dad and seerepparttar 110254 man who had so wounded me. We were sitting around my dining room table, when one gentleman began tellingrepparttar 110255 story of a young soldier in Napoleon's army who had gone A.W.O.L., been caught and was now about to facerepparttar 110256 firing squad. This young man's mother came to Napoleon and pleaded for mercy for her son. Napoleon replied, "He doesn't deserve mercy." To whichrepparttar 110257 mother implored, "But, Sir, if he deserved it, it wouldn't be mercy!" At that, Napoleon allowedrepparttar 110258 boy to live. After telling this story,repparttar 110259 gentleman said, "I have no idea why I told that story. It just came into my head."

As he has been speaking, I feltrepparttar 110260 strangest sensation of heat come over my head and into my chest. Without wavering, I said, "I know why you told that story." I turned toward my dad and gently said, "Dad, when mom was dying, I felt that God was being very unfair. So I asked Him what He had to say aboutrepparttar 110261 situation. Would you like to hear what God had to say about you and mom?" The room was very quiet. I could tell that my dad was afraid to know. But, after a few moments he indicated that he would.

I feltrepparttar 110262 heat increasing as I reached deep into my soul for those words, "He said, ‘I could not heal your mother, because she would not forgive. But I seerepparttar 110263 wounds upon your father's heart, and I have pity on him.'" Inrepparttar 110264 moment I spoke those words,repparttar 110265 power of Spirit hit both of us "like lightening." We stood up, pushed our chairs back fromrepparttar 110266 table and fell into each others arms, sobbing. After quite a while of crying and kissing, we sat down again--evenrepparttar 110267 two gentlemen present were crying--and I realized that I could not remember even one of those offenses on my "list." The whole list was erased from my memory--and five years later, it is still gone!

From that day on, my dad and I have had a relationship that is far beyond mere "reconciliation" or "recovery." We never had a relationship like this before--ever! This is a totally new relationship! We talk onrepparttar 110268 phone every weekend, we plan visits around special holidays, we go to conferences together. Where before my dad had been closed torepparttar 110269 "things ofrepparttar 110270 Spirit," due torepparttar 110271 wounding caused by my own judgementalism and legalism, now he is hungry for more ofrepparttar 110272 Spirit. Right away my dad began having powerful dreams which he KNEW were from God. He shares these dreams with me and we discuss their possible meanings.

Two years after this momentous day, my dad was reconciled to my brother and sister. My family traveled to California where we had a true "family reunion." It had been twenty years sincerepparttar 110273 divorce.

Whenever my dad and I are together, we look for an opportunity to share our story. It is a story that brings hope to hopelessly broken relationships. It is a True Love story. Do you have a secret dream, desire or hope? Contact Rebecca to learn how YOU can live your dream!

Rebecca is a clear, articulate, strong visionary with an abundance of knowledge and the skills required to initiate and sustain any enterprise. Rebecca's leadership is a blend of spiritual gifts and practical application. She has touched and helped transform the lives of hundreds of individuals.

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