Written by Glenn H. Kipps

Continued from page 1
Then you hearrepparttar skeptics say, "Don't quit your day job.!" Actually, unless you haverepparttar 105002 seed money to stay at home and start your business, your new venture can get offrepparttar 105003 ground with only ten hours a week of your time. Thus, "keeping your day job" is not a barrier, but a resource as you buildrepparttar 105004 business that will take you away from that daily grind forever. Finally, "Every journey starts with a single step." Putting off that "first step" using one or more ofrepparttar 105005 "reasons" listed atrepparttar 105006 beginning of this article - and some even more creative ones - one day will find you looking around you atrepparttar 105007 Internet business successes and wondering why you put it off for so long. You know... come to think of it... I could have saved a lot of time here. The basic message in this article could have been stated in four simple words: IT'S UP TO YOU! Why not let me show you how to "greaserepparttar 105008 wheels" and get started on a path that will lead you torepparttar 105009 dream that all of us have and few of us achieve - financial independence. LET ME HEAR FROM YOU!

Glenn H. Kipps KIPPSTIPS

======================================== More tips on working at home - many of them free - can be found at KIPPSTIPS,repparttar 105010 website of Glenn H. Kipps, who is continuing to enjoy success through his business, GHK, Inc. Free yourself fromrepparttar 105011 time clock that currently holds you captive. Go to ========================================

Glenn Kipps has had a lot of experience is leadership. He was an NCO in both the Navy and the National Guard. He also ran his own courier business for 7 years. He is now bringing the benefit of his experience to the internet.

Pilots - what are they earning?

Written by Julia Dean, MBA

Continued from page 1

Second, airline pilots are usually required to have one or more advanced ratings, such as an aircraft type rating or a multi-engine aircraft rating. This second qualification criteria is dependent uponrepparttar types of aircraftrepparttar 105001 pilot is flying and/orrepparttar 105002 type of pilot job.

Pilots’ licenses or ratings are valid as long asrepparttar 105003 pilot passesrepparttar 105004 period physical exams and flying tests that are required byrepparttar 105005 Federal Government andrepparttar 105006 airline company regulations. Medical certificates are issued in 3 classes. A class l certificate isrepparttar 105007 most rigorous, and requiresrepparttar 105008 highest levels of vision, hearing, equilibrium and health. The Class ll Medical Certificate has less stringent requirements, but still demands a high standard of general health and an excellent medical history. The least rigid classification isrepparttar 105009 class lll Medical Certificate.


Legally, pilots are not allowed to fly more than 100 hours in any given month, and no more than 1000 hours in any given year. In addition, pilots must be allowed at least 8 hours of uninterrupted rest inrepparttar 105010 24 hours before finishing their flight duty. The FAA requires airlines to provide pilots with this rest period to guard against excessive fatigue that could result in an unsafe flight.


There are approximately 600 civilian flying schools inrepparttar 105011 US that are certified byrepparttar 105012 FAA. Some colleges and universities also offer FAA certified pilot courses that offer degree credits. In addition,repparttar 105013 Armed Forces is a large source of trained pilots for civilian pilot careers.


Many new airline pilots start out as flight engineers or first officers with smaller or regional airlines. Advancement for many pilots may involve transferring from a small airline to a major carrier. However, advancement is typically dependent upon seniority. Flight Engineers can advance according their seniority to First Officer positions after 1 to 5 years of experience. After to 5 to 15 years experiencing, they can advance to Captain positions depending on their seniority.

Some pilots advance to managerial positions, while others advance based on seniority to larger aircraft or better routes or a preferred home base location. Agricultural Pilots can advance into management jobs or become self-employed as independent contractors.


The number of job opportunities for pilots inrepparttar 105014 US is expected to grow about as fast asrepparttar 105015 average of overall employment growth from 2003 to 2010. However competition for jobs will continue to be high. Causes that slow growth are a function of mergers and challenges inrepparttar 105016 airline industry. In addition, advancements in technology reduce repparttar 105017 need for Flight Engineers, and video conferencing and teleconferencing reduce repparttar 105018 need for business travel.

Some industry analysts predictrepparttar 105019 need for 27,000 new pilots between 2003 and 2010 as a result of retirement. Many ofrepparttar 105020 pilots who were hired inrepparttar 105021 1960’s are now reaching mandatory retirement age, and thus a few thousand job vacancies are expected to arise each year forrepparttar 105022 next several years. Note that not many pilots retire early because ofrepparttar 105023 high earnings and benefits, andrepparttar 105024 fact their unique skills are not generally transferable to other careers.

The employment of pilots is sensitive to changes inrepparttar 105025 economy. Airlines are forced to furlough or temporarily lay-off pilots during periods whenrepparttar 105026 demand for air travel declines. At times of recession, pilots employed in commercial or corporate flying and flight instruction are adversely affected byrepparttar 105027 downturn inrepparttar 105028 economy.


Pilots that haverepparttar 105029 most FAA licenses and that have loggedrepparttar 105030 most number of flying hours on sophisticated aircraft will generally haverepparttar 105031 best job prospects. Military pilots typically have more experience and licenses than other pilots, and thus have more job opportunities.

It is forecasted thatrepparttar 105032 greatest number of new job openings will come fromrepparttar 105033 regional passenger and cargo airlines, and international carriers. The industry will likely experience a need for more airlines, pilots and flight instructors.

It is also expected that there will be an increasing need for pilots that operate single engine airplanes because more businesses are chartering private aircraft.

Note that women make up approximately 25% ofrepparttar 105034 total number of people employed as pilots inrepparttar 105035 US and this figure is expected to increase.


The majority of pilot jobs inrepparttar 105036 US are located in cities with major airline hubs. Most positions are concentrated in Texas, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, California, repparttar 105037 District of Columbia, Michigan, Illinois, Washington and Florida. These regions generaterepparttar 105038 most flights relative to their population size.

By Julia Dean, MBA President, - Helping people get airline jobs faster tracks jobs for 108 airlines and typically has over 1,200 currentairline job postings, including commercial pilot jobs. Visit and sign up for free "Airline Job News", a bi-monthly newsletter that answers readers questions about airline jobs, and that always includes at least 2 free airline job postings.

SOURCES FOR THIS ARTICLE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor CPTC ICPAC California Employment Development Department Research & Analysis Bureau Providing Labor Market Information forrepparttar 105039 State of Montana

Julia Dean is a professional researcher and copywriter, and the President of, a web portal for airline job seekers.

Julia is the author of THE AIRLINE JOB GUIDE and the free bi-monthly e-zine, "AIRLINE JOB NEWS"

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