Written by C.J.Hayden

Continued from page 1
Whenever you leave a message, include some incentive forrepparttar person you are calling to have a live conversation. "I would like to introduce myself" is not a reason for prospects to talk to you. Why should they care? Tell them what it is you think you can do for them in their own unique situation. And do it in 30 seconds -- no one likes long voice mails from strangers, andrepparttar 120731 delete key is at their fingertips. Look for some connection between you andrepparttar 120732 person you are calling that you could put in your message. A mutual acquaintance, membership inrepparttar 120733 same association, or having attendedrepparttar 120734 same event are all worth mentioning. If you have seen them speak, or read about them inrepparttar 120735 news, compliment them on it. Be warm, friendly and upbeat, so your message is a pleasure to listen to. If you have called, left messages, and still can't get through torepparttar 120736 person you want, send an e-mail. Many people will quickly respond to e-mail because it is easy. If you can interest them in what you have to offer (without revealing allrepparttar 120737 details), they may be willing to set up a phone appointment with you to find out more. When you don't haverepparttar 120738 person's e-mail address, try finding it onrepparttar 120739 company's web site or askingrepparttar 120740 receptionist. Should you ever stop calling? That depends onrepparttar 120741 value ofrepparttar 120742 potential sale. A $1000 sale might only be worth two or three calls to you, but a $10,000 sale would certainly pay for many more. Every salesperson has a story about a customer who finally said yes afterrepparttar 120743 17th phone call, so if it seems worth it, don't quit!

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients NOW! Since 1992, C.J. has been teaching business owners and salespeople to make more money with less effort. She is a Master Certified Coach and leads workshops internationally. Read more of her articles at

Advantages of Email

Written by Scott F. Geld

Continued from page 1

Transmission is Secure and Reliable

The level of security in transmitting Email messages is very high, andrepparttar industry continues to strive to develop even tighter security levels. Email is private. Often telephone and fax messages are not. Ifrepparttar 120730 address information is correct, rarely does an Email go astray. Fax machines can be out of order or out of paper and this prevents an important message from being delivered in a timely manner.

Email is an Internet marketing tool that is fast, easy to use, inexpensive and effective. Email levelsrepparttar 120731 playing field betweenrepparttar 120732 big corporations and small businesses. No longer is it justrepparttar 120733 big boys who haverepparttar 120734 resources to accessrepparttar 120735 big advertising houses. Anyone can get their word out there using Email asrepparttar 120736 method of deliveringrepparttar 120737 message.

Scott F. Geld is the Marketing Director of, a company providing targeted traffic and leads:

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