Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

To “line” your food with those great “marks” just like you see in magazines, allowrepparttar grid to heat thoroughly before addingrepparttar 111586 food.

Some food safety tips: Always serve cooked food from a grill on a clean plate - neverrepparttar 111587 one that heldrepparttar 111588 raw food. In hot weather never leave food out longer than 1 hr. andrepparttar 111589 old adage keep hot foods hot and cold food cold applies whenever you cook outdoors.

One last hint -repparttar 111590 secret to evenly cooked vegetables on a kabob is to parboil starchy vegetables before they are threaded on a skewer. Sauces: steaks and chops - baste with sauce after you have flippedrepparttar 111591 meat forrepparttar 111592 last time, aboutrepparttar 111593 last 3 mins. of grilling; Chicken - basterepparttar 111594 last 10 mins. Hot dogs/sausage - basterepparttar 111595 last 5-6 mins. However seasoned oils may be brushed duringrepparttar 111596 entire timerepparttar 111597 entree is grilling.

With just a few of these hints, you are on your way to a summertime of great outdoor eating and your grilled food will make you proud. ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 April

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, cookbooks, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES Websites:

12 Ways to Organize Your Laundry

Written by Barbara Myers

Continued from page 1

8. Keep a backup supply of detergent, softener and stain remover. When you openrepparttar last one, add it torepparttar 111585 grocery list. Laundry items are so expensive it pays to stock up whenever there is a sale.

9. Pick up a good stain remover chart and POST it inrepparttar 111586 laundry room.

10. Have a designated place for items which need mending. Every week or month, mend them or drop them off atrepparttar 111587 seamstress.

11. Hang a bag in your closet or inrepparttar 111588 laundry room for dry clean only items. Set up a routine to drop off and pick up on certain days each month. Some dry cleaners will even deliver.

12. Keep a small basket inrepparttar 111589 laundry room for "found" items such as money and buttons. Use another one for mate-less socks since they will probably show up next time.

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and author of "Manage Your Wardrobe System." Receive free tips to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit

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