Azoos Search Engine: An Unbiased Review

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

In an age where so many sites have given up their individuality to become "meta" search engines; poolingrepparttar databases of other engines to produce unoriginal search results,--Azoos.Com remains true to traditional search engine format by selecting its own data, spidering URLs from its own database, & producing its own unique search results.

And while so many other successful engines have gone on to charge fees as high as $300 or more for website "reviews," Azoos still bills its instant-add submission service at only $69 for a guaranteed listing and site spidering.

As Azoos representative Andrew Greenstein says, "We originally set out to create a search engine that offered something unique not only forrepparttar 118556 end-user but forrepparttar 118557 site submitter as well. Now that our search technology has improved so dramatically, it’s clear that our initial vision has become a reality and our primary goal has been achieved."

And althoughrepparttar 118558 bright yellow search engine may still have a long way to go before it can compete withrepparttar 118559 "big boys" in terms of audience size, Azoos.Com may very well be one of repparttar 118560 most promising prospects onrepparttar 118561 debt-riddled Internet today.

Well, I can certainly agree with them on one thing. They do indeed have a long way to go, before they can compete with repparttar 118562 big boys--a very long way!

Here'srepparttar 118563 problem as I see it with Azoos. They want $69.95 to add you to their database. This despiterepparttar 118564 fact that not one ofrepparttar 118565 top search engines charges money to spider your website. And those colors are brutal onrepparttar 118566 eyes! Whose brilliant idea was that? Blue text on a screaming yellow background, with a design reminiscent ofrepparttar 118567 Cartoon Network.

I wasn't impressed, and I certainly wasn't interested in spending $69.95 to be included on some cartoonish looking search site.

While I was there I figured I'd check out their search function. I did a few searches and got some satisfactory returns. Nothing special, but satisfactory. Also, their traffic count is low, comparatively speaking, for a search engine.

In conclusion, I can't recommend Azoos. There are just far too many superior, free alternatives!

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

Making Safe Online Purchases

Written by Sarah

Continued from page 1

There are also things that aren't necessary, but certainly don't hurt to look at, too. Try installingrepparttar Google Toolbar. If your store has a high PageRank, it's probably a well established site. Anything above a PageRank of 5 is probably a "super" store. Also try enteringrepparttar 118555 store's name into Google and see what people have said about them. If you're having trouble finding anything with a basic search, try adding "review" or "store review" torepparttar 118556 query.

If you're still not quite sure about a store, try callingrepparttar 118557 phone number just to be safe. If you get through without a problem,repparttar 118558 chances that they're a decent respectable business are quite high.

Sarah, the author of this article, runs a number of online websites, including Final Fantasy Shrine and Virtual Mall. This article may be freely reproduced if left in its entirety (including this closing note).

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