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ExLife Add on for Outlook:
About Us Has a nice section here:
Nelson Email Organizer
6) Do Something: Don't allow messages to build up in your inbox or before you know it you'll be buried alive in messages. As you go through your mail, try to act on every piece of mail you receive immediately.Reply to it, delete it, or file it in one of your folders. Just make sure you do something. If you follow this advice you'll never end up with 500 sitting in your inbox demanding your attention.
7) Print It: If you're like me, you subscribe to a lot of ezines. If you don't have time to read them online do what I do: print them out and take them on
road with you. I read them while waiting for appointments or when I'm on break or lunch at my night job.
8) Customize Layouts: Most e-mail clients allow you to customize
toolbars and look of your program. Add
features you use most often to
toolbars and change
look of
layout to suit your needs.
9) Return Receipts: Have you ever sent a message and wondered if
recipient ever received it? Send your e-mail with a "return receipt" request and you'll be sent a notification by e-mail when they have read it. The reader can stop this message from going out to you, but nine out of ten don't mind and allow
10) Message Priority: When you send an e-mail you can set
priority of
message to "high," which puts a red marker or flag next to it when
recipient receives it. This tells
reader that
message is very important and may help motivate them to reply sooner. Just don't get in
habit of sending every message this way or people will get annoyed. Only use it for important correspondence.
For a great ezine that will help you be even more productive with your email go to
If you follow these top 10 tips, you won't find yourself drowning in e-mails and you'll spend less time managing it. Remember, you need to control your e-mail, don't let it control you.

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