Avoiding Depression

Written by S A Baker

Continued from page 1

Only your doctor can help you overcome depression. But, by placing positiveness within your life, you may be able to lessenrepparttar effects depression has. This is never a reason not to see your doctor though. If you would like more information regarding avoiding depression you can seek outrepparttar 139312 knowledge that is available throughoutrepparttar 139313 internet. Websites like www.avoiddepression.com can provide you with good ideas, inspirations, and ways to avoid depression. Although it is not a medical website, it is still a good source for more ideas.

S A Baker is staff writer at http://www.avoiddepression.com

Ozone: Mother Natures Gift to our Children

Written by Eric Partelo, RRT

Continued from page 1
So why is it that so many peoples perception of ozone is negative? Mostly, because ozone is synonymous with smog when reported in news and media. The most irritating constituents of smog are hydrocarbon molecules from cars, sulphur and nitrogen compounds from industry, and smoke pollutants from a variety of sources. Now,repparttar media can try to trick us but we have already done our science earlier and H + N + S does not equal O3. In saying that many will say that HIGH ozone levels cause irritated eyes, throat, and lungs. As with all elements, anything in HIGH doses will cause side effects. So, why are ozone levels so high in places like L.A.? In areas where pollution is more rampant Mother Nature’s answer is to produce more cure. In this case it’s ozone. Higher levels of ozone will help oxidize awayrepparttar 139311 hydrocarbons, sulphur compounds, and nitrogen compounds muchrepparttar 139312 same way asrepparttar 139313 body’s immune system responds with elevated white blood cell counts to fight an infection. Finally, what doesrepparttar 139314 future hold for us as parents inrepparttar 139315 constant fight to keep our children healthy and germ free? Ozone is now being used in a variety of ways to improve our lives andrepparttar 139316 lives of our children. Ozone is being used to treat our water rather than chlorine, and as of today there are over 2,000 water purification facilities worldwide. The biggest inrepparttar 139317 world built recently in Los Angeles. European doctors and respected N.Y. University researchers all state that ozone has been used to eliminate AIDS in humans, animals, and blood supplies, without any side effects. And,repparttar 139318 introduction of home ozone purifiers are available to parents interested in killing germs, bacteria, mold, mildew, and e-coli in order to make there home a safe haven for their children. But, don’t be confused with allrepparttar 139319 air purifiers onrepparttar 139320 market and what they do. Hepa- filter purifiers only do what their name implies, filter. Air flows through a hepa-filter and dust particles are trapped inrepparttar 139321 filter. Ionizers put out negative and positive ions intorepparttar 139322 air, which cling on to dust circulating inrepparttar 139323 air, weighing it down so it falls torepparttar 139324 floor and can be moped or vacuumed up. Ozone purifiers releaserepparttar 139325 same ions intorepparttar 139326 air and remove dust, BUT they also produce low levels of ozone which seeps into crevices, carpets, drapes, furniture, under beds, in closets, on countertop surfaces and other places where normal air currents are minimal and oxidizes all odors and chemical by-products we and our children breathe in daily. Hence, with researchers pushingrepparttar 139327 limits and expandingrepparttar 139328 uses of ozone therapy we can all take a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief, just sanitize your home before you do!! To learn more on how to order this purifier for yourself just visit my website at www.freshairliving.com/aeryck and enter "guest" asrepparttar 139329 password.

I am a Board Certified Respiratory Therapist who would like to share with the technology that changed my son's life. He was born prematurely and suffered from extreme allergies and asthma, and now lives a great life with no breathing difficulties.

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