Avoiding Blacklisting: Making Sure Your Email Gets Through

Written by Karen Fegarty

Continued from page 1

So how can you be sure you haven't been blacklisted? Unfortunately, you really can't be 100% sure. You may be on someone's black list and not even know it, and be added to and removed from black lists atrepparttar drop of a hat. The only way to prevent being blacklisted unfairly is to use today's technology to keep track of it all. There is cutting-edge software technology available that checks allrepparttar 109534 major black lists like Spamcop, MAPS, and SPAMHaus to ensure your domain or ISP hasn't been added.

Taking a few moments to understand and solve your potential blacklisting problem can mean a world of difference in your bottom line.


Author Karen Fegarty is with MailWorkZrepparttar 109535 creator of Black List Monitor-- advanced service that continuously checks allrepparttar 109536 major blacklists for you, and then some. Don't be treated unfairly! Keep a handle on who may have you blacklisted. Get a free trial and find out more at http://www.blacklistmonitor.com.


Author Karen Fegarty is with MailWorkZ the creator of Black List Monitor-- advanced service that continuously checks all the major blacklists for you, and then some. Don't be treated unfairly! Keep a handle on who may have you blacklisted. Get a free trial and find out more at http://www.blacklistmonitor.com.

Can Your Visitors Contact You From Your Website

Written by Dave Tan

Continued from page 1

If you don't want to use an image, you can separate your email address so that it doesn't look like an email address to email harvester softwares...

Example 2:

To contact us, send us an email to: sales at ebookok dot com

This approach is NOT recommended, because some visitors will actually send an email to sales at ebookok dot com without first changing it to sales@ebookok.com. Of course you can tell them to removerepparttar at and replace it with @ and dot with "." before sending it.

Alternatively, you can create a web form that allows visitors to submit their questions to your email DIRECTLY from your website. You will need a little PERL programming knowledge for this, or you can simply hire someone else to write it for you!

If you do use web form asrepparttar 109533 ONLY way to contact you, make sure (1000 percent) thatrepparttar 109534 script is WORKING properly! Make sure you've setrepparttar 109535 permission forrepparttar 109536 script, no errors, etc.

Note: When scripting in Perl, usually a simple MISSING ";" or "{", or "}" or "Permission Not Set" errors arerepparttar 109537 main reasons why your script is not functioningrepparttar 109538 way it should be! Always make sure your script is as BUG-FREE (not containing any errors) as possible!

When your visitors submitted their questions to your through your website, it's a good idea to display a friendly message like: Thanks for submitting a question, I will be in touch with you shortly!

This is a good practise and it is highly recommended because your visitors will know that your script works and their questions was indeed successfully submitted. Some websites don't even bother to add a simple message like: Your question was submitted.

They will just display a silly BLANK page or REDIRECT you back to their contact page or homepage...leaving you to wonder if your message was indeed submitted properly.

Always try to answer all emails ASAP and personally - within 24 hours. Customer service is IMPORTANT! Let them know that you care about them and they will be happy to do business with you! :-)

That's all for this article, have fun placing those contact link!

Best Regards, Dave Tan eBookOK.com

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