Avoid the Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness

Written by Josh Hinds

Continued from page 1
We need only accept that each event - positive or negative can hold in it an opportunity to be made better for having experienced it. Now that's certainly not to say that we find any sort of joy in each and every one of life's events - certainly notrepparttar negative ones anyway.

However, it is I believe worthwhile to look forrepparttar 129623 lessons that exist in bothrepparttar 129624 good and bad in our lives. Being careful not to dwell onrepparttar 129625 negative. Remember, there is a huge difference between dwelling on - and simply learning from and moving past something.

Here's wishing you great success alongrepparttar 129626 journey of life, Josh Hinds

Josh Hinds of http://GetMotivation.com specializes in helping people to achieve maximum success and live the life of their dreams -- receive his motivation newsletter by going to http://GetMotivation.com/ezines.html . Josh is also the co-founder of http://AudioMotivation.com

Internet Dating for the Midlife Woman

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Bear in mind there are no guarantees onrepparttar Internet you won’t meet a louse, pervert, felon, liar, or promiscuous married man. There are no guarantees about this in real life, either. There are some obvious clues to watch for: refusing to share a photo, using foul language, asking for money, being domineering, moving too fast, preoccupation with sex, inappropriate site names such as “SexTrain,” signs of desperation, or being inconsistent or evasive about details.

The best rule of thumb is if it makes you feel uneasy, userepparttar 129621 “delete” key. You begin with email correspondence, so take your time. You’ll get quicker about catching on to bad signs as you practice.

Always remember to protect yourself. Don’t give your personal email address or home phone number until you’re reasonably sure. Never agree to meet someone in a remote or peculiar location. If in doubt, don’t. If it’s good, it will standrepparttar 129622 test of time.

The best way to begin is to make a list about your expectations – not just their age and appearance, but their conduct. Then work with a coach to brush up on your skills and provide valuable feedback. When you set up your profile, be honest about your personal habits, lifestyle, and what you’re looking for in a man. When you learn something that works, stick with it. For instance if you read someone’s profile that’s worded better than yours, go back in and tweak yours.

Men’s first attraction is visual (physical), so get a good recent photograph of yourself. Some people are more photogenic than others, but it’s unfair to use a photograph that’s 5 years old, or that represents you before gaining or losing 30 pounds. Be proud of who you are, represent it as best you can, and hoperepparttar 129623 man doesrepparttar 129624 same.

For more tips, including how to identify a married man early-on, see my ebook, “Midlife Dating Survival for Women.”

Good luck!

©Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Offering coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for midlife women for personal and professional development. Susan is the author of “The Midlife Dating Survival Manual for Women" which is available at http://www.webstrategies.cc/ebooklibrary.html . Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for free EQ ezine.

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