Continued from page 1
Relying Solely on Traditional Methods To Sell Your Home The real estate professional who is innovative and willing to offer new strategies of attracting home buyers will always outperform those who rely on traditional methods. Demand around
clock advertising exposure, innovative lead generation methods and lead accountability. These services exist and should be offered on your home sale.
Market Timing/Seasonal Selling Just as a broker who continually follows
trends of a stock, your real estate professional continually follows trends of your home market. They will know if
market cycle is poised to net you
most money. Avoid believing that property sales are seasonal.. property is always selling.
Refusing to Make Cosmetic Changes The prospective home buyer's first impression is
most important. Hundreds ordf thousands of home sales have been lost to unkempt lawns, cluttered rooms, bad stains, unpleasant odors... all
seemingly little things. Imagine you were
home buyer and clean your place from top to bottom... military style.
Wasting Time With An Unqualified Prospect Your representative's responsibility is to screen a prospect's qualifications before valuable time is lost. Be sure to align yourself with
right professional and eliminate negotiating with unqualified prospects.
Don't Test The Market Never put your property on line to sell unless you are serious. The right professional will find you buyers and if you are harboring indecision... you will blow
Believing You are Powerless to Make a Difference Be a part of
team! Take an active role with your real estate professional to see what you can do to facilitate your sale. Networking with professional peers and personal friends often results in
sale of a home. It's surprising how many homes are sold this way.
Believing All Realtors, Brokers & Others are
Same With all
intricate details and critical decisions to be made concerning your home sale, should you rely on anyone but an experienced real estate investment professional? Many friends and family members have been estranged as a result of failing to meet expectations. Your home sale is a time consuming, effort related, difficult task. Maximize your profit by utilizing a experienced real estate investment professional

Ajay Pats is a professional manager.He managers real estate broking site,community for home based business entrepreneurs and inspirational ezine .