Avoid Mistakes and Gaffes in Your Resume

Written by Michelle Roebuck

Continued from page 1

I know you want your resume to stand out fromrepparttar others, but using standard white resume paper is your best option. Try to stand out fromrepparttar 106981 others by listing your achievements and skills instead.

Don’t put too much information in your resume. Keep it short and torepparttar 106982 point. You don’t have to put down every single job you had since high school. Remember,repparttar 106983 whole point ofrepparttar 106984 resume is to showrepparttar 106985 potential employer that you are qualified forrepparttar 106986 position.

Emphasizerepparttar 106987 skills and achievements that are related torepparttar 106988 job you are applying for. When writing your past job descriptions, elaborate only onrepparttar 106989 duties of your job that helprepparttar 106990 potential employer recognize your qualifications forrepparttar 106991 position you are seeking.

Even after doing all of this, your job resume will still be compared to dozens of other resumes. There’s not much you can do about that. But, withrepparttar 106992 tips listed above, you increase your chances of having your resume actually read and considered for a possible job interview.

Michelle Roebuck provides job interview tips and resume writing advice at http://www.job-interview-and-resume-tips.com. Sign up for her Free newsletter at http://www.job-interview-and-resume-tips.com/newsletter.html.

Turn Freelancing Into Your Parallel Career

Written by Joseph Lee

Continued from page 1

Another example: You arerepparttar head of your company's quality assurance team. You've a good working knowledge ofrepparttar 106980 International Standards ISO9001. There is no conflict of interest if you were to take on a freelancing project to writerepparttar 106981 quality manual for another company nearby as long as that company is not your employer's competitor.

Is There Demand for Freelancing Professionals?

Yes.. Aye...Si...Ya! There are many reasons why companies needrepparttar 106982 expertise of a freelancer:

1.There is a sudden burst in business activity andrepparttar 106983 company's existing workforce cannot cope.

2.The company has a one-off project (example: a takeover of another company or production of a massive catalogue).

3.Deadlines must be met.

4.The company needs specialised skills not available withinrepparttar 106984 company.

5.The management cannot justifyrepparttar 106985 long-term expense of employing a full-time person

What Qualifications Do You Need?

What qualifications DON'T you need? Generally, you don't need to have any special license, insurance, a company, an office or employees.

But you DO need to be sure that you will be able to dorepparttar 106986 project. Afterall, this is what you'll be paid for. Knowing your 'Assets and Skillset' will give you a good feel of whether you can dorepparttar 106987 project.

You'll need to put together a profile or portfolio that is more convincing than a resume. It needs to be more like a marketing presentation. Remember there are others out there who can dorepparttar 106988 project as well.

Keep in mind that there will be opportunities to secure future projects withrepparttar 106989 same company. So it's worthwhile doing it right forrepparttar 106990 first project.

The Parallel Career Way

To be a full-time freelancer,repparttar 106991 biggest challenge is finding enough work to justify giving up your full-time job. How can you be sure that you will have enough work to pay all your bills?

The Parallel Career Way makes it less stressful and risky because you start developing your freelancing career while you still have a job. And thanks torepparttar 106992 Internet, things are now much easier.

Infopreneur, Writer, Engineer and Consultant. Former company high-flyer - shares tips, ideas and information on how to change career the Parallel Career Way at: http://www.parallelcareer.com

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