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Identifying Opportunities for Effective Target Marketing
A successful marketing strategy often begins with looking for and identifying opportunities to cost-effectively reach your target market when they're in a receptive frame of mind. I observed a good example of this kind of opportunistic marketing while attending a crowded toy festival and parade over
summer. This festival was so popular that nearly every available parking spot on all
side streets was filled. When my family and I returned to our car after
parade, I immediately noticed that a bright yellow flyer (on card stock) was lodged under my windshield wiper. My first thought was that it was a parking ticket; but upon closer examination, I saw that it was a promotional flyer for a children's party planning service. I looked up and down
street and noticed that every car had this same targeted advertisement in its window. As we drove through town, it was apparent that block after block of parked cars had this same advertising flyer inserted in their windows. The point is that some enterprising business owner realized that thousands of parents of young children are going to be in
same place at
same time, that they'll have just spent a fun day with their children, and they'll be in a receptive mood to learn about ways to make their children happier and to look good as parents. The owner of this children's party planning service figured out a way to inexpensively reach hundreds, maybe thousands of targeted prospects who, most likely, were very receptive to
service being marketed. I wouldn't be surprised if that flyer resulted in a lot of phone calls.
It could have generated an even greater response if
copywriting and headlines were more captivating, if it used a couple of graphics to reinforce
message (rather than consisting of 100% text, with almost no margins), if it directed prospects to a website with more details and testimonials, plus photos of enthusiastic customers and successful parties... but that's a topic for another article!
Successful advertising and marketing takes imagination, experimentation, and observation; but if
advertising message you develop doesn't paint an irresistible picture, create anticipation, and reach a targeted audience with
greatest tendency to respond to your offer, then your campaign will be ordinary and your results unremarkable. The principles in this article are not new, but they're probably ignored by
vast majority of those in
small business community. Commit these ideas to memory so that you're among
successful minority!

R.J. Reiterman, of Optimal Marketing Communications, has been a creative force in public relations, corporate communications, and journalism for over 18 years. You can find more of his articles, as well as those of other consultants and writers in the field of marketing and advertising, at