Automatic Ad Submission

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

The first group couldn't care less if you send them multiple email addresses on a frequent basis - they never seerepparttar ads. Their software automatically collects your email address, checks for duplicates, and adds it to their file.

The second group however, and all newsletters published on a regular basis that allow free ads, are a different story. When they receive ads, each one is checked manually. They usually only permit one ad per cycle, and if you submit 7-12 ads a day, you will quickly overwhelm their processing capabilities. To them, this is spamming. Their only recourse is to "fight fire with fire". What they do is automatically filter outrepparttar 101222 ads submitted using this type of software. They will never see your ad submissions.

So what does this automatic submission software do for o you. Inrepparttar 101223 first example, your ads might have a useful life measured in minutes. Inrepparttar 101224 second case your ads are "blocked" fromrepparttar 101225 sites that will produce your best results.

Once you are blocked (depending on how they do it) you may never be able to submit ads to these quality sites again - even if you do it manually. Some block atrepparttar 101226 email address level. Once an address is blocked, their filters will automatically delete your incoming email, whether it is an ad or not.

Maybe that automatic submission software isn'trepparttar 101227 best hundred bucks you could ever spend.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe. As a bonus, get 1239 FREE Internet Business E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit

How important are headlines?

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

So how do you develop an effective headline?

First - write your ad. Make it as long as you want, and make sure you get all of your ideas included. Then, without mercy, cut it to about 5 lines of 65 characters per line. "But", you might say, "I can't get all of my points across in something that short". Face it - you are not trying to sell your entire program with this one ad. You are however, trying to get someones attention. If they respond, you can send them allrepparttar follow-up information necessary.

After you have your ad written, then try to develop some catchy headlines. Keep them short and try to grab your readers attention. After you have written a few - test, test and test again. If your ad is in a place that is normally read by your target market, such as an E-zine or Newsletter, you should be able to determine which ads are pulling. You should concentrate this initial advertising in one or two well known publications, so as to keep your costs to a minimum while you are experimenting.

When you find an ad that is working, then you can expand your ad program. Inrepparttar 101221 advertising programs we offer, we see many people competing forrepparttar 101222 same customer base, withrepparttar 101223 same product. Good headlines can increaserepparttar 101224 responses you receive. Great headlines can ensure that you are getting business while others who are running basicallyrepparttar 101225 same ad copy, but with a "blah" headline don't.

Bob Osgoodby publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe and place a Free Ad for your business.

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