Attracting Advertisers For Your Site

Written by Todd W. Winslow

Continued from page 1

Unique visitors to that page - one month: 150,000 Prime Ad price: $.007

Calculation: 150,000 x $.007 = $1,050 /mo.

So, for a prime ad on that page of your site to run for one month would cost repparttar advertiser $1,050.

* For advertising in an ezine or newsletter, just substitute your subscription base forrepparttar 101125 unique visitor figure. (Remember, if yours is a weekly publication, be sure to times your subscription base by 4.333 to arrive at a monthly figure.)

This is just a guideline - it's always a good idea to find out what your competitors are charging advertisers and adjust your price based on that information.

Advertiser's Informational Packet

Once you've collected allrepparttar 101126 above information, you need to come up with a way to present this information to potential advertisers. I suggest a short and torepparttar 101127 point Advertiser's Informational Packet. This should be available in both an online and off-line version.

Our Advertiser's Informational Packet is ordered as follows:

Company Information and Background

Our Advertising Efforts and Partnerships

Web Site & Newsletter Demographics

Advertising Options & Current Rates

Payment Methods

It's always a good idea to offer incentives or discounts. Give a price break to those who commit to advertising for several months or for those who take out more than just one ad, etc. Personally, I like to offer new advertisers ˝ off their second month's total ad cost. (Buy one month, getrepparttar 101128 second at half price.)

Where To Find Potential Advertisers

The last thing you need arerepparttar 101129 actual advertisers themselves. If you don't already have an Advertise With Us page on your site, consider putting one up. You might be surprised by how effective this can be. Many potential advertisers use search engines and terms to find sites which relate to their products. If they come across yours and you have an Advertise Here page, they just might contact you for advertising information. Be sure to also submit this page torepparttar 101130 major search engines.

Another simple way of getting advertisers is to go to your competitors web sites and see who's advertising with them. All is fair in love and Internet advertising, right? If you can offer them a better deal, they just might place their advertising with you.

Don't forget to look into off-line businesses as well. For example, there may be a magazine (not online), which shares similar demographics with your web site. By takingrepparttar 101131 time to do a little research and to draft a well-written letter of introduction, you may find these off-line businesses very receptive to placing advertising with you.

There are also many advertising agencies which would be more than willing to help sell advertising on your site (or in your ezine), but I suggest trying to do it on your own at first. If later you need help, then contact these agencies.

For an example of an Advertise With Us page, see or go to our sister site

Todd W. Winslow is the co-owner of TADD Marketing Group, L.L.C. He is also the founder of TADD Publishing Group which publishes a variety of e-mail newsletters, and is co-creator of The Mystic Beagle - a romance and relationship advice web site

What are the latest online advertising trends? Check out these one2one streaming media channels…

Written by Vivian W. Y. Lee

Continued from page 1

Atrepparttar same time, Adsenger ads have a hidden and powerful "viral marketing" function. Members can freely forward their favorite Flash animated ads to their friends.

My favorite part is that Adsenger provides a 24/7 online access to check out real time statistics onrepparttar 101124 CTR andrepparttar 101125 research responses.

In terms of price, these Adsenger ads are very affordable. INSTADs are priced at $0.10 each and Flash ads are priced at $0.50 to $1.00 each based onrepparttar 101126 duration in seconds andrepparttar 101127 number of research questions.

2. EyeWonder --Streaming Audio and Video Emails *** Now you can send out not just text-based emails, but also streaming emails with audio and video files embedded inside. Your online audience will have a chance to experience a live TV-like show, ranged from some live product demos to some company overviews from a real person.

EyeWonder ( is a company that creates TV-like video impressions based on a CPM (Cost Per Thousands) model. It is an effective tool to build branding image for your company. This kind of streaming audio and video emails will also be a great way to launch short online training sessions or special event announcements.

In any case, just remember to check if your online target audience has high enough bandwidth to download and view these streaming ads at anywhere at anytime.

Overall,repparttar 101128 latest online advertising trends are exciting and limitless. Companies are started to launch many new ad campaigns with some leading edge technologies that can help you to leveragerepparttar 101129 operational costs and maximize your advertising dollar values. Try out some of these technologies and let me know what you think.

Vivian W. Y. Lee is the founder and principal e-Business and Marketing Consultant at Global MCN ( based in Vancouver, BC. She is also a lecturer teaching Internet Marketing and E-Commerce at several educational institutions. She writes and speaks about e-business and Internet marketing topics. (Her email:

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