Attract birds to your yard with Bird Feeders

Written by Johann Erickson

Continued from page 1
bird feeders that are easy enough for anyone to make. For natural-looking bird-feeders, a branch with drilled holes stuffed with suet, a hollow gourd with an opening inrepparttar side, or a pinecone filled with peanut butter make great bird feeders. For a more decorative look, use a bouquet of dried flowers with seeds, such as sunflowers or coneflowers, as a bird feeder. Or for an informal look, simply fill an old saucer from a clay pot with bird seed. Place it atrepparttar 116202 top of a post, or anywhere else you enjoy watchingrepparttar 116203 birds.

For those with a little more time and talent, there are thousands of designs for bird feeders made from wood and plexiglass. Most are fairly simple and require only basic tools to build. Wooden bird feeders can be painted and decorated any way you wish, which make them especially fun for decorating your yard.

Once you've decided what type of bird feeder is right for your yard, sit back and enjoyrepparttar 116204 incredible showrepparttar 116205 birds will put on at your feeder.

Johann Erickson is the owner of Online Discount Mart

Turning yard waste into gold.

Written by Steve Enlow

Continued from page 1

Compost bins can be purchased, or you can easily construct one with common materials such as chicken wire, snow fencing,lumber or used pallets. Other tools that come in handy for composting are a garden hose, wheelbarrow and common garden tools.

A very simple and easy compost bin can be built from shipping pallets,(available free at most warehouse stores). Use four pallets and hinge one side to open and you have a very inexpensive compost bin.

Getting Started A 4 x 4 x 4-foot area out of direct sunlight is ideal for your compost pile.

Choose an easily accessible spot on a grass or soil base. Composting can begin any time ofrepparttar year, but many people start inrepparttar 116201 fall when leaves are abundant.

Organic materials should be mixed, adding water as needed so thatrepparttar 116202 materials feel like a moist, wrung-out sponge. The compost pile should be turned after a few weeks so that repparttar 116203 outside layers are mixed withrepparttar 116204 center ofrepparttar 116205 pile. Turn compost piles about once a month, except in cold winter conditions. Water can be added during turning, if necessary.

Be patient. Different materials will decompose at different rates but they will all break down eventually. If you want to speed things up, use smaller pieces.

Another trick to speed uprepparttar 116206 process. Add some horse or cow manure. Be sparing in this ingredient, too much will killrepparttar 116207 good bacteria doing their work for mother nature.

Generally, a well managed compost pile with shredded material under warm conditions will be ready in about 2-4 months. A pile left unattended and material not shredded may take over a year to decompose. Piles prepared inrepparttar 116208 late fall will not be ready for userepparttar 116209 following spring. Whenrepparttar 116210 compost is finished,repparttar 116211 pile will be about half its original size and have an earthy smell to it.

Steve Enlow is the author of this article. Visit Steve's most interesting web site at and download your free copy of Easy Plant Propagation. How to start all of your landscape plants with free cuttings.

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