Attract a dream relationship

Written by Arvind Devalia

Continued from page 1

2. Take stock of how you have behaved in previous relationships. Since by definition you are single, your past relationships have not worked out for whatever reason. And like it or not, that makes you at least 50% responsible for them not working out.

Get clarity on what you contributed to those relationships not working out. Be kind to yourself as you do this. Do not make it an excuse to beat your self up all over again.

3. Review your beliefs about relationships. What do you think should happen at different stages – from courtship to living together? What are your entrenched beliefs aboutrepparttar opposite sex? For example, from your cultural heritage, what arerepparttar 128692 expected roles and duties of a partner?

4. Get clear about what you want in a relationship. Makerepparttar 128693 fulfilment of your short term and long term needsrepparttar 128694 criteria for choosing a partner. 5. Define and get clear about your ideal relationship and partner. Be realistic, and ask what your needs are rather than your wants. What must your relationship have? What arerepparttar 128695 absolute essentials for you to thrive? 6. Socialise and have fun so as to create a varied, rich life and to be part of a healthy supportive community, and to enhance your life. You will therefore focus not so much on meeting your partner and more on creating a rich vibrant life, one which will be so attractive to a potentially dream catch. Most people usually socialise in various ways so as to meet their dream partner, and by simply having fun and enjoying your life you become so much more attractive.

Make your life work and make room for your ideal partner. Once you have your life working for you, and you are happy, you will indeed attractrepparttar 128696 right partner.

Remember, you deserverepparttar 128697 best. And that includes a dream relationship andrepparttar 128698 ideal partner. Don’t accept second best. Get clear about what you want in your life partner and why – and you can have it.

Please call me on +44 20 7286 8655 for a complimentary coaching consultation. Alternatively email me at

Arvind Devalia MBA Committed to Contribution and Connection.

"Transform your Life - make it Extraordinary"

Nirvana Coaching Ltd 76 Hamilton Terrace St Johns Wood London NW8 9UL

Coaching website: Charity website: Email: Mobile: + (44) 7803 950 250 Office: + (44) 207 286 8655

The world will be different when those who can make a difference make a difference...

Arvind Devalia is a Life & Business Coach and writer who runs Nirvana Coaching. He has appeared on many radio shows, newspapers and magazines. He is the author of "Get a LIfe" a simple but very powerful self help book.Arvind produces a monthly coaching newsletter called "Get a Life", packed with tips, tools, and strategies to dramatically improve the quality of your life. Subscribe today at

Are You Ready To Perform?

Written by The Musicians' Coach Kavit Haria

Continued from page 1

Also, when you’re rehearsing with your band – one ofrepparttar most biggest things that most musicians miss out is to work onrepparttar 128690 elements of performance beyond playing their individual instruments together. Ensure you work on movements, gestures, interactions with other band members, talk between songs, takingrepparttar 128691 mic offrepparttar 128692 stand, running out intorepparttar 128693 audience. Such things may seem really simple but there not ordinary behaviour so make sure you get some vital practice and preparation in. Future newsletters may include resources to developing these skills effectively.

It’s also great to assess how well prepared you are mentally forrepparttar 128694 event. I use a set of questions that I came up with to assess my own readiness to perform, and I’d like to share them with you.

It will open as a Microsoft Word document. If you would like some musicians development coaching via email, send through your completed attachment to and I’ll be happy to work with you to makingrepparttar 128695 most out of your performance.

Are You Ready To Perform?

Kavit Haria is the musicians coach and works with musicians worldwide who want to be more confident, master concentration, tame performance anxiety, build better audience rapport and effective communication skills so that you can get regular performances. He runs his own practice in London, UK and runs a fortnightly newsletter. You can also get his free workshop here:

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