"At Last! The "3 Secrets" Of A Consistent Golf Stroke --

Written by Chuck Evans, G.S.E.D.

Continued from page 1

As golfers you and I userepparttar Inclined Plane to swingrepparttar 133168 club back up and end, down out and forward, up back and in makingrepparttar 133169 Golf Stroke three dimensional.

The clubshaft, actuallyrepparttar 133170 sweetspot ofrepparttar 133171 club, may travel to any other plane angle duringrepparttar 133172 swing as long as it DOES NOT crossrepparttar 133173 base ofrepparttar 133174 plane. Here is a simple way you can know if you are on plane or not. Whichever end ofrepparttar 133175 club is nearest torepparttar 133176 ground MUST also point atrepparttar 133177 base ofrepparttar 133178 plane from horizon to horizon. If neither end is nearer thenrepparttar 133179 clubshaft MUST be horizontal torepparttar 133180 ground and parallel torepparttar 133181 base of plane.

Secret #3: A Lagging Clubhead

Lag by definition means "trailing". Whenrepparttar 133182 clubhead passesrepparttar 133183 hands coming into Impact there is no "lag". Without "lag"repparttar 133184 golf ball cannot be compressed, we cannot hit downward, and we have a tremendous power loss. Clubhead lag promotes a steady and even acceleration giving us a dependable way to control distance.

Look at any picture of your favorite player at Impact. The left arm and clubshaft are in ONE LINE! Never two lines. This means thatrepparttar 133185 player is utilizing "lag". When a ball is struck with "lag" it explodes offrepparttar 133186 clubface! Without this "lag"repparttar 133187 sound turns into one of mush, a soft Impact instead of a driving Impact.


If you follow this outline, learn these three "Secrets" you will be hittingrepparttar 133188 ball with more compression than you ever thought possible.

For example, a Driver striking a golf ball with a 2 degree "backward" leaning clubshaft at 100 mph with 9.5 degrees of loft produces a launch angle of 6.4 degrees and a carry distance of 230 yards.

By changing Impact to a 2 degree forward leaning clubshaftrepparttar 133189 player produces a launch angle of 10.4 degrees and a carry of 251 yards. A 21 YARD INCREASE WITHOUT buying a new Driver and simply having clubhead lag!

YOU can improve your game dramatically by followingrepparttar 133190 steps outlined above. Becomerepparttar 133191 best player YOU can be and start winning those 4 way presses! If YOU really want to elevate your game, hit it farther, straighter, and nearerrepparttar 133192 hole then practice what I've shared with you.

---------------------------------------- Chuck Evans, G.S.E.D. www.chuckevansgolf.com chuck@chuckevansgolf.com

P.S. Visit our website for more information on how to becomerepparttar 133193 best player YOU can be. ----------------------------------------

Chuck Evans is one of only 31 Teachers in the world to hold the designation of "Doctorate in Golf Stroke Engineering", he is one of the most highly sought after instructors in the world not only by players but other teachers as well and is known as the Teacher of Teachers. His DVD, "60 Days To Game Improvement" has sold in excess of 10,000 copies and his new eBook, "How To Build YOUR Golf Swing" is in the library of amateurs and Teaching Professional alike.

How The Pros Approach Bass Fishing

Written by Jeff Hughes

Continued from page 1

How arerepparttar pros’ able to do this?

The pros’ are able to find and catch fish consistently because They have spent countless hours onrepparttar 133167 water fishing, and studyingrepparttar 133168 habits of bass and learning to think like them. Simply put, they know bass. They know bass personally.

Bass fishing is a game of circumstances and conditions which are constantly changing. And Bass is constantly changing with them. In order to be consistently successful an angler simply cannot depend on what worked yesterday, or even one hour ago. He must be able to read conditions and know howrepparttar 133169 bass will react to them.

I am often asked “what isrepparttar 133170 best way for me to learn to be consistently successful in bass fishing.” My response to this question is go fishing as often as you can and fish as long as you can. Make it a point to be observant, even if you do not land a single fish, you will learn something new each time you fish. Focus your attention on getting to know your query. Allrepparttar 133171 fancy equipment and technique’ will come but first and foremost you must learnrepparttar 133172 habits and nature ofrepparttar 133173 bass.

Wishing you good luck, and better fishing

Jeff Hughes

If you Would like to get your bass fishing onrepparttar 133174 right track and learn to “do it likerepparttar 133175 pros’ do it” I suggest you check out my new e-book Titled “Learn To Think Like A Bass” at http://www.thinklikeabass.com This book is written based on 30 yrs experience inrepparttar 133176 habits and nature ofrepparttar 133177 bass and is intended to help you learn to read conditions, and establish bass catching patterns based own your own knowledge ofrepparttar 133178 bass. Just likerepparttar 133179 pros’ do it!

That’s http://www.thinklikeabass.com and while you are there don’t forget to subscribe torepparttar 133180 “Think Like A Bass” Newsletter. It’s absolutely FREE and it’s packed with great articles and tips from professional bass anglers, to help you catch more bass.

Jeff Hughes is a 46 year old professional fishing guide for bass and striped from north Ga. Jeff has been bass fishing for more than 30 years and has been a professional guide and tournament fisherman for 22 of those years. His passion is the outdoors and his love is teaching others to fish.

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