Assessing Managers for International Competence

Written by Brenda Townsend Hall

Continued from page 1

They will need excellent communication skills. These involverepparttar ability to listen and interpret any implicit messages that their new colleagues may be emitting, and give directions with clarity and with respect forrepparttar 146233 means of communicating inrepparttar 146234 host culture. Of course, communicative skills are important no matter where you are, but they are crucial in a new culture. Ifrepparttar 146235 manager goes from Britain to, say, a Scandinavian country, it will be important to remember thatrepparttar 146236 local team may be much more direct in their expression of criticism, say, than inrepparttar 146237 UK. Conversely, it will be important not use typically British understatement or irony because,repparttar 146238 more direct style ofrepparttar 146239 hosts will predispose them to interpret everything literally.

They will need to be sensitive torepparttar 146240 customs, motives and values of their new colleagues. They will only be able to achieve their goals by building good rapport withrepparttar 146241 local team and this can only come in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Of course rapport can be established in many different ways, but it essential to show an interest inrepparttar 146242 host culture and inrepparttar 146243 local team. Asrepparttar 146244 outsider it is important not to offend by flouting local dress code, being over familiar—or too distant, asrepparttar 146245 case may be—or showing impatience with aspects of behaviour that are in keeping with local tradition.

Resilience and emotional robustness are also important. The period of settling in will involve what is known as culture shock. This involves some key stages,repparttar 146246 second of which puts a big strain on both physical and emotional strength. To begin with your managers will go through a honeymoon period in which allrepparttar 146247 new experiences are exciting and stimulating. But this is followed by a period of disorientation during which homesickness, loneliness, frustration and disillusionment withrepparttar 146248 host culture will cause a great deal of stress. To able to pass through this torepparttar 146249 stage of acceptance requires considerable inner strength.

Of course underpinning all these competencies is knowledge. The managers need two kinds of knowledge to be effective abroad. Firstly they need to understandrepparttar 146250 theory of culture difference. Culture goes very deep andrepparttar 146251 unfamiliar behaviour patterns arerepparttar 146252 external signs of underlying values. It will help your managers if they understandrepparttar 146253 nature of these different cultural values. Then they should have country specific knowledge that prepares them for what they will find. This should, of course, include training inrepparttar 146254 local language not just forrepparttar 146255 person concerned but for their family.

Brenda Townsend Hall is a writer and trainer in the field of cultural awareness and English for business and is an associate member of the ITAP International Alliance.

Strength is a weakness... also

Written by Arvind kumar

Continued from page 1

That’s what burger king did to Mac. They study Mac strength and chooserepparttar stark opposite approach.

“Have it your way”.

Burger king advertisement exclaimed at Mac and attracted customer who prefer to choose their own way to eat their hamburger from their very own plate. “Have it your way” was a clear differentiator betweenrepparttar 146223 two chains. Alsorepparttar 146224 effect was, Mac was squeezed. They can’t afford to tamper their hard earned, finely turned system in order to matchrepparttar 146225 Burger king. At least not so early.

That where guerrilla winsrepparttar 146226 battle- when competition is not prepare and unable to turn around and defend itself.

Arvind Kumar is a Engineer by education from I.I.T, Delhi. He is working since 2000 in Internet economy has launch many venture. Reach him at

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