Asphalt Paving: Striping Your Parking Lot

Written by Brett S. Lane

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lot will first be chalked to ensure a clean straight look whenrepparttar work is done. Furthermore, a walk behind style striping machine will be used to getrepparttar 141244 best painted lines that are approximately 6 millimeters when dry. The lines can not be driven on untilrepparttar 141245 paint has had adequate time to fully dry (at-least 30 minutes). Whenrepparttar 141246 asphalt parking lot has been striped, any debris that is onrepparttar 141247 lot will be collected and taken away fromrepparttar 141248 property. The final stage ofrepparttar 141249 asphalt striping is to put up barricades to keep other drivers from entering or exiting your asphalt parking lot. Striping is a great way to keep a parking lot looking new and professional. Costs spent in advance for asphalt striping now will definitely be lower as compared to later. Always take a proactive approach to asphalt paving maintenance. Those who choose not to take good care of their lots will payrepparttar 141250 price inrepparttar 141251 long run. Customers always appreciate a well designed and painted parking lot. It isrepparttar 141252 first thing that customers see when visiting your property, so it should look great. A freshly striped asphalt parking lot can lead to a positive overall impression of your property. For more information about asphalt paving services & striping in Los Angeles, California-feel free to call Manhatten Paving Company today @ 310-328-1470, or you can visit our website-

Brett Lane is the Webmaster and SEO professional for Manhatten Paving Company, located in Los Angeles, California.

Creativity for Success

Written by Kathleen J. Wheelihan

Continued from page 1

Nurture your inner child. Look for ways to become a kid again. Watch children at play and remember what things brought you joy as a kid. Consider what brings you joy today and take time out to explore your playful side. For example, fly a kite, build a model train, gaze atrepparttar clouds to identifyrepparttar 141235 shapes you see, go for a walk inrepparttar 141236 woods and look atrepparttar 141237 plant and animal life, or simply daydream. Taking time away fromrepparttar 141238 pressures of a tense situation can help free your mind so you’re ready to see things more clearly and creatively.

These are just a few ofrepparttar 141239 ways you can learn to be more creative to achieverepparttar 141240 success you deserve. Remember, it’s never too late to start. Good luck and have fun!

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Kathleen J. Wheelihan is a professional speaker for AchieveMax®, Inc., a firm specializing in custom-designed keynote presentations, seminars, and consulting services. Kathleen has made presentations ranging from creativity to customer service and leadership to teambuilding. For information, call 800-886-2MAX or visit

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