Aromatherapy to Overcome Your Financial Fears

Written by Francoise Rapp

Continued from page 1

--Aromatic Blend to Transcend Your Financial Fears-- This blend will boost your confidence, willpower, and courage. In a 10-ml bottle, addrepparttar following essential oils and fill with an organic vegetable oil:

· 5 drops Bay leaves Essential Oil · 5 drops Rosemary Essential Oil · 4 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil

Anointrepparttar 122404 solar plexus, lower back. Pour a few drops intorepparttar 122405 palm of your hands and breathe it in deeply. Use it inrepparttar 122406 morning, when feeling scared or anxious about a financial situation.

Orderrepparttar 122407 oils you need to prepare your blend: ===>

--Your 10-Minute Ritual-- This exercise will replenish your body and mind in positive energy, thus helping you attract abundance into your life.

Sit silently in a quiet place for several minutes. Visualize yourself surrounded by and absorbing a golden color within your entire body, each organ, each cell. Imagine it radiating out. Hold this vision for at least 10 minutes. Feel how your body is full of this golden color.

Pour a few drops ofrepparttar 122408 aromatic blend intorepparttar 122409 palms of your hands and breathe it in deeply. Sayrepparttar 122410 following affirmation three times aloud:

"I amrepparttar 122411 creator of my own wealth and take action today toward abundance"

In Good Health, Francoise Rapp

(c) Francoise Rapp, 2002. Internationally renowned aromatherapist and alchemist, Francoise Rapp, shares her expertise in using essential oils to heal and revitalize body and mind at Highlights include aromatherapy classes, pure & organic essential oils, recipes and aromatic treatments for health and wellness, and a free weekly newsletter. Discoverrepparttar 122412 power of aromatherapy today at!

Internationally renowned aromatherapist and alchemist Françoise Rapp shares her expertise each week in her free ezine, the Arom'Alchemy Newsletter. To subscribe, visit

Little Things

Written by Donald Schnell

Continued from page 1

This isrepparttar key to Spiritual Enlightenment. What arerepparttar 122403 little things you can do today, or this week that will make your life richer? One thing is certain; you are going to arrive torepparttar 122404 end of your week. It is up to you as to "who" will be arriving.

What steps are you taking today to see that you will be more peaceful, more loving, more compassionate --in short, more enlightened by week's end?

Little Things.

Play a game. Smile and give every third person you meet today a BIG smile and some warm enthusiasm. Make their day. That's one ofrepparttar 122405 secrets to spiritual success. Make someone else's day better.

Why every third person and why not everyone? Because we are playing a game. If you try this with everyone, you will soon go unconscious again. You will forget. So playrepparttar 122406 game. You are training your subconscious with a new little habit of cheer.

Rememberrepparttar 122407 lesson of Las Vegas? The slot machines are carefully designed by psychologists to pay out atrepparttar 122408 rates that make you most likely to continue. Not every time. A little win here, a little win there. It builds your confidence. The process is called fixed variable reinforcement and it isrepparttar 122409 most powerful behavioral change technique known.

So play a game. Dorepparttar 122410 little things. Give a smile…every third person…stay aware…don't forget!

Have some main course salads this week. Every fourth meal. Take whatever you are eating, your rice, vegetables, beans, chicken potatoes or fish, and cut them small, and put them into a nice green salad. You WILL lost weight, and you'll feel more spiritually fit.

Smile BIG at every third person… even if it is a phone contact. Smile throughrepparttar 122411 phone.


Little things.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu-Chinese philosopher of Taoism

Donald Schnell isrepparttar 122412 author of The Initiation. Free: Enlightenment 101 newsletter

Donald Schnell is the author of "The Initiation". He has inspired thousands of individuals to awaken their inner power. Visit his site to subscribe to a free weekly newsletter on enlightened living.

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