Arm Yourself Against Snoops With Spyware Counterintelligence

Written by Heather Wallace

Continued from page 1

2. Keystroke Loggers - This type of spyware logs everything that you type. Whether that is a personal note, a password, or a credit card number. Anything and everything that you type is captured and forwarded torepparttar person watching your activity.

3. Browser Hijackers - This form of spyware will commonly change your home page to a so-called search page that is filled with less-than-useful pay-per-click results. This flavor of spyware also logsrepparttar 118493 URLs that you visit.

4. Snoopware - This variety of spyware can monitor a PC user's every action. In addition, these programs were specifically designed to go undetected byrepparttar 118494 person being monitored. Snoopware used to be primarily found only inrepparttar 118495 workplace, but, as snoopware became more affordable, its usage grew. Employers, suspicious spouses, coworkers, parents, and strangers are just a few ofrepparttar 118496 people that may unleash snoopware on your system.

How Spyware Invades Your System Without Warning

The sad fact is that you have probably installed a very malicious spyware program on your computer without even realizing it. Your system may been infected with spyware if you have ever downloaded:

1. File-sharing programs 2. Freeware 3. Shareware 4. Music 5. Games 6. Screensavers 7. Video clips 8. Pictures

Even some programs that can be purchased in stores contain spyware.

Spy(ware Detection) vs. Spy(ware)

It would be virtually impossible to prevent spyware on your own. Evenrepparttar 118497 most hyper-vigilant defense would most likely let spyware slip throughrepparttar 118498 cracks. The only way to absolutely ensure that your system is protected is to monitor your computer with spyware prevention and removel software.

A firewall is another invaluable resource that should be used in conjunction with a spyware prevention and removal program. The firewall monitors your PC's Internet connection and shields it from unwanted actions by third-parties. In doing this it prevents spyware from connecting with remote sites without your permission.

Once spyware infiltrates your system it can be quite a chore to remove. Uninstallingrepparttar 118499 program that was bundled withrepparttar 118500 spyware won't do it. That will only removerepparttar 118501 main application from your system, whilerepparttar 118502 spyware application remains. After spyware has entered your computer your best course of action is to install a spyware prevention and removal program. In addition to preventing spyware infection these programs will also removerepparttar 118503 spyware that has already infected your system.

Heather Wallace is a writer whose work has been published in national, regional, and online publications. Additionally, she has written articles as a newspaper correspondent. Visit to run a free spyware detection scan on your computer.

Fight 1337 Speak... Please Help Save Our Language

Written by Daniel Punch

Continued from page 1
- Contrary to popular belief,repparttar word 'Cool' is spelled withoutrepparttar 118492 use of a 'K', and 'E' or even a 'W'. There is a high probability that you don't even pronounce it in a manner that would infer those letters, so why type them? Typing four different letters is no slower than typingrepparttar 118493 original four that actually belong torepparttar 118494 word. - Exclamation Marks are solitary creatures. They don't like to be herded together into packs. They also take offense torepparttar 118495 presence of many other punctuation marks, such asrepparttar 118496 affable but sometimes irritating Question Mark. Please don't abuse our friendrepparttar 118497 Exclamation Mark, don't force him/her to share sentence space with other sentence ending punctuation marks. - The letter 'D' is notrepparttar 118498 phonetic equivalent of 'TH'. The letters 'TH' form a soft sound, butrepparttar 118499 letter 'D' is a hard sound. Please try not to confuserepparttar 118500 two. - The first letter ofrepparttar 118501 first word of a sentence should be capitalized. The first letter of a proper noun should be capitalized. Gratuitous use of capitalization should be avoided and used only as a last resort. - Numbers are not letters. You cannot spell a word with numbers; no matter how hard you try. You can spell a number with letters, butrepparttar 118502 opposite is not true. Numbers are not as versatile as we have been lead to believe. Punctuation marks behave similarly, and should not be used inrepparttar 118503 formation of words. - Emoticons are useful tools for showing your emotions. Avoid abusing them and trying to construct entire sentences or stories usingrepparttar 118504 little yellow smiles. It doesn't work.

I know I can't turnrepparttar 118505 tide of popular opinion, but as someone who actually likes our language I sometimes feel as though I have to try. Languages evolve and change over time to fitrepparttar 118506 current generation's needs. There's no need or point in stopping this, but I'd prefer that our language continued to contain actual words, not unpronounceable mish-mashes of letters.

Daniel Punch M6.Net Daniel Punch speaks English real goodly. Hopes does others too will.

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