Continued from page 1
* Question: Do you have oncall technical support? / / Yes / / No
I don't know about you, but I hate it when I need technical support for something I've purchased and I just cannot break through to a living human being. It really irks me.
The Internet is a technical environment. Like it or not, things are not always going to work right. You're not always going to understand everything. You're not always going to know what to do and how to do it. That's why you need a relationship with a company that provides you with friendly, accessible, understandable technical support when you need it. Without it, you're on your own -- and that can be a very uncomfortable feeling!
* Question: Do you have unrelenting prospect follow-up? / / Yes / / No
Unrelenting, systematic follow-up is what distinguishes
people who are going to make it in business from those who aren't. Right now do you have
means available to connect with your prospects up to 25 times in a 90 day period? Can you send them automated, personalized follow-up? Or are you trying to handle your follow-up on a case-by-case, catch-as-catch-can basis, never quite sure who got what and what you're supposed to send today? If that's how you're handling your follow up, you're doomed.
The Internet is going to be a part of our lives forever. It has already created and will create THOUSANDS of millionaires. These smart people understand
environment and have
necessary tools for online success. Without them, you've merely created a no-win situation for yourself, fraught with frustration, irritation and defeat, like mowing your lawn without a mower, pulling out one blade at a time.

Dr. Jeffrey Lant is Co-Founder and CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. at For FREE subscriptions to Dr. Lant's & Worldprofit online business newsletters, go to For Dr. Lant's Sure-Fire Business Success Catalog, visit