Are you breathing properly?

Written by David Kane

Continued from page 1

Most of us could improve our breathing but our tendency to breathe too rapidly and too shallow becomes exaggerated when a person suffers an asthma attack. If you suffer from asthma try to resistrepparttar urge to gasp for breath during an attack, and focus on remaining calm and breathing out as fully as you can. Your inhale will follow naturally. Also concentrate on breathing slowly. This is much easier to do if you practiced when you were not having an attack.

Tryrepparttar 148350 following exercises when you are feeling well. If you are healthy they will improve your breathing technique. If you suffer from asthma they will help you exhale correctly during an asthma attack.

1. Hum as you exhale slowly, trying to prolongrepparttar 148351 breath without straining. Then repeat, but this time make a buzzing sound. Notice whenrepparttar 148352 sound changes and when you become breathless. Stop breathing for a moment then breathe in gently. If you need to gasp for breath you are trying too hard.

2. Breathe in, purse your lips then breathe out in a series of little puffs. Work againstrepparttar 148353 pressure of your lips and cheeks, contractingrepparttar 148354 abdomen notrepparttar 148355 chest as you blow.

3. Blow out an imaginary candle. Again your abdomen not your chest should contract as you blow. Your attempts to blow outrepparttar 148356 candle should be fairly quiet. You should be breathing in naturally atrepparttar 148357 end ofrepparttar 148358 blow. Repeat as many times as is comfortable but stop if you begin to feel breathless.

We take over ten thousand breaths a day, drawing in about half a liter of air with each one. You can improve this essential act with just a few simple exercises. Tryrepparttar 148359 above and learn to breathe properly.

David Kane is the author of ‘101 Top Tips for Asthma Relief’, which gives more ways to control asthma. This and other resources designed to help asthma sufferers monitor and control their condition are available at

Acne Facts And Treatments

Written by Kelly Gillis

Continued from page 1

Most cases of light to moderate acne can be treated by overrepparttar counter medications. There are many to choose from. Some acne suffers find that benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid works well, and benzoyl peroxide is known to readily killrepparttar 148321 acne bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide can be found in cleansers and in spot treatments. Benzoyl peroxide is very drying and can make your face look even more irritated, especially when you first start washing with it. Many acne suffers use a moisturizer on their face after washing. There are many moisturizers available that are specifically designed to help with acne such as Cetaphil, Eucerin, and Neutrogena.

It is suggested that you wash at least twice a day. Never squeeze or pickrepparttar 148322 blemishes on your face and don't wash with a washcloth, use your hands. A washcloth can irritate acne and actually make it worse.

Severe acne, or acne that has not responded well to overrepparttar 148323 counter products, is most successfully treated withrepparttar 148324 knowledge and expertise of a dermatologist. A dermatologist will consider many things before suggesting treatment such as severity of acne, patient age, lifestyle, and co-existing conditions. The dermatologist then may suggest a combination of two or three different therapies for best treatment.

The earlier that acne is treated,repparttar 148325 better it will be. With allrepparttar 148326 treatments available, there is one that will be right for you.

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