Are we there yet?

Written by Stephanie Foster

Continued from page 1

As your kids get older, try to interest them inrepparttar trip itself. When we traveled from San Diego to Sacramento as kids, a 500 mile trip, my mother used to draw a rough map onrepparttar 111281 window using a wax pencil, and number 1-10 along it, so that she could tell us where we were. We loved asking where we were. Find out if there are any interesting places to stop alongrepparttar 111282 way for short periods.

Personally, I don't likerepparttar 111283 idea of bringing a DVD player and just havingrepparttar 111284 kids watch movies forrepparttar 111285 entire drive, but that is certainly one option. There are plenty of games that can be played inrepparttar 111286 car, from challenging each other to spot a landmark or item to board or card games. Don't try to use anything that will spill or has too many small pieces, or you might cause more aggravation when something is lost.

No matterrepparttar 111287 age of your children, you should keep your schedule as flexible as possible and try to enjoyrepparttar 111288 trip. Holiday trips should be a good experience for all involved.

Stephanie Foster is the owner of Home with the Kids, a resource that knows that there's more to staying home with your family than just business. From money saving tips to parenting and marriage tips, to work at home jobs and businesses, you can get information and support here. You can visit the site at


Written by Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

You’ll know that your inner brat has taken over when you start getting angry atrepparttar slightest provocation, or when you complain about things not being fair. You’ll also recognize its presence when you eat, drink or smoke more than you you know is good for you.

For example, when your mother asks, “Why haven’t you called your grandmother?” your inner brat might snap back, “Why are you always picking on me?! Why don’t you ever ask my brother why he doesn’t call Grandma?” Or, when you’ve resolved to control your drinking overrepparttar 111280 holidays, you end up downing a quart of spiked egg nog, with your inner brat inrepparttar 111281 background rationalizing that it’s OK becauserepparttar 111282 alcohol is diluted.

If you want to stay calm and have more fun with your family this holiday season, keep your inner brat under control. Here are some tips:

1. Check your expectations: If you begin grumbling to yourself about various family members weeks beforerepparttar 111283 get-together, you’re giving your inner brat a head start. Byrepparttar 111284 timerepparttar 111285 event actually happens, you will be full of old resentments and anxieties. Onrepparttar 111286 other hand, if you tell yourself that you are voluntarily attending this event, and that it may not be perfect but at least it’s time-limited, you will be more relaxed.

2. Prior to visiting your family, practice some simple relaxation skills such as slow, deep breathing or pleasant visualization. If you find yourself getting tense atrepparttar 111287 event, take a short time-out to relax and get yourself centered again.

3. When family members act idiotic, mean or critical toward you, remind yourself that such behavior reveals more about them than about you. The very behavior that irks you is probably coming from their inner brats.

4. Mentally detach yourself from conflict. Imagine that this is a movie of your family and that you are watching it on a big screen. This will keep your inner brat out ofrepparttar 111288 conflict.

5. Use humorous exaggeration. For example, say to yourself, “This moment isrepparttar 111289 absolute worst thing that ever happened to anybody.” By notingrepparttar 111290 absurdity of your statement, you’ll see things in a more realistic perspective.

6. Don’t give into your inner brat’s demands for more food or alcohol. Just because it wants it doesn’t mean it MUST have it. Remember, you’re in charge, not your inner brat.

© 2003 Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.

Pauline Wallin, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist in Camp Hill, PA. She is author of Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide to Transforming Self-defeating Behavior, (Beyond Words Publishing, 2001). Visit for more information, and subscribe to her free, monthly Inner Brat Newsletter.

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