Are You trying to Lose?

Written by Sandra Baptist

Continued from page 1

Before and up to that point of resistance we begin to have thoughts such as: "I can't do this". "I'm not going to earn any more than this no matter how hard I work". "This will never happen". "I'm not yet ready for this".

That is not to say that we don't want or desire more. Onrepparttar contrary we do!

So, what are we going to do about getting everything that we desire? How are we going to attract more than we're programmed to?

We need to re-condition our minds to accept more prosperity and more abundance and therefore open ourselves up to receiving more than we're accustomed to.

Sounds complicated? Don't worry it's not.

This can readily be done by accepting that your life CAN be as fulfilling, as rich and as prosperous as you desire. Realizing that you can have whatever you desire.

Purchase a journal. We'll call it your Prosperity Journal. Each day before bedtime, start appreciatingrepparttar 123276 good things that occurs in your life. Doing this will open your whole being to attracting more. Be grateful for all things that you do, that happens to you and that exist every day-both large and small. It could berepparttar 123277 sunshine orrepparttar 123278 rain, your family, your job, your business.

As you begin to focus on being grateful, more ofrepparttar 123279 same good shows up in your life. As more begins to show up in your life, you understand that you can focus on what you want and attract it. As you begin to focus on what you want, that as well will show up with much less resistance and struggle on your part.

As you expand your mind you expand your possibilities. You will come to understand that everything is available to you in absolute abundance. It is only for you to allow it to come into your life without resisting. You will come to understand thatrepparttar 123280 Universe is limitless and full of abundance and that instead of trying to lose, you will masterrepparttar 123281 process of winning!

Sandra Baptist works with persons who desire to attract, enhance and increase a more prosperous life. She empowers brilliant highly motivated men and women to transform their negative beliefs about money so as to attract more wealth, more success and more prosperity into their lives. For free consultations contact her at tel: 1-800-666-4754 or at

Making Communication Effective: 4 Language Filters

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

3. Situational Context: Whatrepparttar listener has recently experienced as well as environmental factors will also influencerepparttar 123275 way he or she receives our messages. Unlike emotions, situational context involves elements that are external torepparttar 123276 listener. This includes our own presentation ofrepparttar 123277 message. What we said previously and how we said it will influencerepparttar 123278 listener’s perception of what we say next. A room that is too noisy, dark, cold, or uncomfortable will distractrepparttar 123279 listener’s attention.

4. Personal Beliefs: We filter everything we hear through our personal beliefs. We relate everything we experience to previous experiences. If we understand an idea or concept, it is because we are relating it to our past learning. It is rare that we actually have a completely new experience. We have core beliefs about our lives; these personal maps ofrepparttar 123280 world guiderepparttar 123281 way we listen, perceive, and interpret what we hear. Our messages will be influenced significantly by our listener’s personal beliefs. We need to select our words carefully, and craft our presentations so that they will touch our listeners on a deeper emotional level. It is at this deeper emotional level whererepparttar 123282 most effective communication is achieved.

Well-chosen language can touchrepparttar 123283 heart and soul, find a common ground, tear down walls of division, and foster powerful new alliances. It can be an extremely powerful success tool.

Language that ignoresrepparttar 123284 listener's emotional state, culture, current life situations, and personal beliefs will miss its mark. Instead of building trust, it will distance us from those who could become friends and allies.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Eloquence isrepparttar 123285 power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible torepparttar 123286 person to whom you speak."

Choosing our messages carefully, and remembering these language filters will help us develop that eloquence, and will make our communications more effective. We will obtain improved results in both our careers and personal lives by engendering trust, building rapport, and creating positive new relationships.

© Copyright 2004 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a life success coach, and the creator of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Subscribe today by visiting Steve's site at

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