Are You a World Class Dreamer

Written by Chris Small

Continued from page 1

Jailed for Equality

Emmeline Pankhurst believed that women should be treated and respected as equals to men. In 1903 she founded The Womens Social and Political Union. Mrs Pankhurst had to endure being arrested and jailed several times. While in jail, she often would go on hunger strikes to further her ideals.

Her big dream was finally realized in 1928 when women in Britain were granted full voting rights. A few weeks later, on June 14th, she died. Her dream however, lives on. While there is still much room for improvement, womens rights have come a long way, thanks in large part to Emmeline Pankhurst.

From a Nobody to a Nobel Prize Winner x2

Marie Curie overcamerepparttar stigma of being a woman in a field (science) which was almost exclusively populated by men. Not only did Madame Curie excel at her chosen profession but she will always be remembered asrepparttar 124103 person who discovered radiation and thus x-rays. She also enjoyedrepparttar 124104 honor of beingrepparttar 124105 first women to receive a Nobel Prize in 1903, and again in 1911.

Failed Twice Before Beltingrepparttar 124106 Earth

In 1896 an engineer withrepparttar 124107 Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit, built his own self-propelled, gasoline powered vehicle -repparttar 124108 Quadricycle. It wasn'trepparttar 124109 first one, but it wasrepparttar 124110 one that inspired Henry Ford to dream about 'beltingrepparttar 124111 earth' with automobiles. He eventually left his job with Edison and attempted to establish an automobile manufacturing plant.

In 1903, after two previously unsuccessful attempts, he formed The Ford Motor company. In 1908,repparttar 124112 first Model T rolled off his assembly lines. By 1918, half of all cars in America were Model T's.

We could go on and on about ordinary people who would not accept mediocrity and instead will be written about for hundreds of years. I would love to talk with you about Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Albert Einstein, Amelia Erhart, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman and many, many others who acted on their dreams. The ideas that they brought forth are a big part of modern day life for us.

Each of them all started with a dream that consumed them and would not let go. Most of us at some time have big dreams, but allow them to dissipate. Circumstances and life in general tend to get inrepparttar 124113 way.

You may not haverepparttar 124114 vision of Thomas Edison, but your Dreams and goals can still impactrepparttar 124115 people around you. Let's resolve to dream BIG dreams and to take big action towards their fulfillment.

Chris Small is a cyber entrepreneur and host of the very successful 'World Deal Center'. His main website is You are invited to sample some of Chris's other articles by going to


Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Understanding motivation gives usrepparttar power to accept our behaviour and to change what we think and do.

ELEMENTS OF MOTIVATION: * Desire * Decision * Determination * Discipline * Focus * Direction

"The buck starts and stops with you". The clearerrepparttar 124102 goalrepparttar 124103 more powerfulrepparttar 124104 motivation. WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.

Motivation comes from a challenge, so be open to new challenges.

What motivates you NOW. (this can be very different from two years ago). Refer Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

EGO SOCIAL SAFETY BASIC (food,safety) How do we maintain motivation?

1. You must want to grow personally. This requires CHARACTER. 2. You should be open to new challenges, ie. be willing to break out of your secure comfort zone. 3.You must have a P.M.A. and be willing to change your thinking. (Dawn Fraser:"I won more races inrepparttar 124105 locker room than inrepparttar 124106 pool") 4.Do it with ENTHUSIASM.

5.Be willing to unlock your hidden potential (99%ofrepparttar 124107 people inrepparttar 124108 world use less than 10% of their brain capacity)



Assess where you are now and how you got there. Are you happy? What is important to you (what are your deepest values)? Am I happy now with a balanced life? If not, what can I do about it? What can I change ...and I must accept what I can't (however you can change a lot more than you think)?

Write down your short term, medium-term and long- term goals. How are you going to get there? Assess your strengths and weaknesses. Are your goals realistic? Do you need to obtain further qualifications or skills to obtain them? What other obstacles could stand in my way. Will this really make me happy?

Is my life balanced or do I need to allocate more time/energy in to other areas?


CHALLENGES and CRISES: Arerepparttar 124109 current goals in your life challenging enough? List those areas in your life, which need new challenges: personal, family, work, spiritual, community. __________


How do you see yourself - positively or negatively? 1. What do you like most about yourself? List repparttar 124110 five qualities you like most. 2. Briefly describe your current career situation and how you feel about it - positive or negative? What do you do well? Think constantly about your strengths. 3. What results/achievements are you most proud of. Celebrate past sucesses, rather than remembering past failures. 4.Write a short note to yourself: who do you want to be and what do you want to achieve byrepparttar 124111 year 2005. Use your IMAGINATION. Serendipity.Accept CHANGE as a fact of life. Make change work for you. PLAN ahead.

How to achieve career satisfaction?: 1. get to know yourself. 2. learn what you have to offer others. 3. know what you want 4. find out how to get it (eg. acquire study skills). "AS I THINK I BEHAVE"

Asrepparttar 124112 Nike ad says, just GO FOR IT.

Craig Lock

In Part Two we'll have a brief look atrepparttar 124113 concepts of goalsetting, attitude and how we can overcomerepparttar 124114 effects of stress on our busy modern lives.

Craig Lock has written extensively in the field of self help. This extract is from his first published book HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE - a collection of writings on various subjects to help every man or woman survive in a rapidly changing, uncertain world. This book is available from:

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