Continued from page 1
4. Suppose you were able to run your e-business with an appetite for fair competition?
5. Suppose you could BUY from reliable, no-hassle, business partners?
6. Suppose you wouldn't have to worry about having a FAT wallet to succeed?
Now that more women do run businesses online and offline,
"winner-takes-all " competition structure no longer makes sense. In fact, cooperation makes better sense, especially online. The gender of
boss just might have an advantage.
Guys running companies tend to be competitive, charismatic, and maybe even top-notch salesmen. However, good female "bosses" know how to establish and maintain a good healthy business culture. Plus, they know how to treat salespeople. The nurturing factor is important.
Piggy-Backing can even solve
paradox of
contented female worker or business owner. Some business gals know that they might make more money someplace else, but they also know they wouldn't enjoy swimming with
e-sharks. A good female leader or boss knows that IN life, there's a lot more at sake than money.
If you surround yourself with like-minded people, Piggy-Backing can carry you where you want to go. Why? Because when Friends HELP Friends, everybody wins!
This article may be reprinted in it's entirety with
resource box in tact.

Marion Stearns is based in the New Orleans area. She operates 12 e-Business Divisions that are dedicated to equal opportunity and global integration. Her expertise is in ethical, Sales-Mind-Set => Piggy-Back Strategies.