Are You Speaking the Same Language in Your Office?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1

Are you looking for a common language in your office? One way to bring this about is to establish an EQ culture.

Emotional Intelligence is a field that pertains to how we understand and manage our emotions, and whether you like it or not, emotions are a large part of our daily dealings inrepparttar business world. We are just now beginning to acknowledge that business is about relationships. In order to have effective relationships, you have to have a common language.

Emotional Intelligence involves competencies which we all need to get along, relate, conduct business, communicate, lead, and accomplish team goals.

Such competencies as Resilience (how well you bounce back after failures and rejections), Flexibility (being able to deal with change and diversity), and Intentionality (saying what you mean and meaning what you say) are badly needed in today’s workplace. We need names for these competencies and qualities, so we can all be reading offrepparttar 130221 same page.

What does ‘work ethic’ mean in your office? What does ‘a deal’s a deal’ mean? What does ‘this isrepparttar 130222 policy mean’? What does ‘business attire’ mean? What does 'on time' mean?Assuredly it means something different to each person who usesrepparttar 130223 phrases or hears them, and this isrepparttar 130224 beginning of serious communication problems between genders, between age groups, among cultures, and between any two individuals.

Bringing a common language to your office can make it more efficient, more productive, and more change-proficient. Capisci? Comprende? Haben Sie das verstanden? C’est compréhensible ?

In “Beyond Race and Gender,” author R. Roosevelt Thomas defines managing diversity as “a comprehensive managerial process for developing an environment that works for all employees.”

The way you develop this environment, working with a group of disparate individuals, is to create your own unique culture, building consensus, community and language.

There are tremendous rewards in hiring and bringing together a diverse group of employees, but only if you can get them working together well. Without a common language,repparttar 130225 stress can be counter-productive. Consider an EQ culture program for your organization. Emotional Intelligence is being embraced worldwide because its appeal is universal. We all have emotions, after all.

©Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Susan is the author of “How to Build Your Career with Emotional Intelligence,” and works with individuals, executives and businesses around emotional intelligence. She trains and certified EQ coaches and offers Internet courses and ebooks as well, . for “EQ at Work.” Put this for subject line.

Falling up the Stairs

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Continued from page 1

Life is a Stairwell In many ways,repparttar whole process of personal growth is like living life in a stairwell. We are constantly trying to make our way torepparttar 130220 top. But there are obstacles. The steps, themselves, sometimes prove to be aproblem. Each time we take a step up we are closer to our destination. But sometimes we become too tired to go on. Sometimes we don’t pick our foot up high enough and we trip. And occasionally we may even lose our balance and go tumbling down towardrepparttar 130221 bottom. Whilerepparttar 130222 parallels of living life and walking up stairs may seem obvious when we think about it, I believe that it is safe to say that most people don’t fully understandrepparttar 130223 nature ofrepparttar 130224 whole process. The fact is, it plays out in a lot of ways in our lives. We see it inrepparttar 130225 emotional arena. It is a goal of most of us to stay motivated and be happy. But how many times have you struggled with discouragement and depression which caused you to fall? We see this inrepparttar 130226 physical arena as we try to stay in good physical condition. Everybody knows, through personal experience, that being trim, having a good strong heart and lungs, and fit developing strong muscles makes you feel and work better. But how many times have you let yourself become fatigued and out of condition? We also seerepparttar 130227 principle operating inrepparttar 130228 mental arena as we take classes and certification courses to become smarter and more qualified to advance. But we have all experienced those times when our brains just would not wrap aroundrepparttar 130229 material we needed to master, and felt knocked down. Finally, we see it inrepparttar 130230 spiritual arena as we work to improve all ofrepparttar 130231 important relationships in our lives. And even though we work hard in this area, we still find ourselves struggling with poor self-esteem, or poor communication skills.

Putting it All Together Graspingrepparttar 130232 concept that there are various areas of life that we have to pay attention to, in order to grow, is a tremendous step. But, there is another level of understanding we have to come to if we really want to getrepparttar 130233 benefit from this insight. Inrepparttar 130234 process of trying to grow, some people work very hard in one part of life. Some put great effot in two or even three areas at one time. However, to really experience lasting and continuous growth, we have to work on all four areas - allrepparttar 130235 time. We can separate outrepparttar 130236 four areas of our lives forrepparttar 130237 purpose of thinking about growth, butrepparttar 130238 fact is we are a single individual and what affects one area affects them all. Growth in one area takes our whole life forward and regression in one area drags our whole self down. That is why issues in even one area can cause us to slow our ascension uprepparttar 130239 stairs or even cause us to fall down. But if we know this, we are in a position to make ourselves more effective. Life is, basically, lived at levels. At every moment we are on some stair step in our journey through life. We labor at one level, hopefully getting closer and closer torepparttar 130240 time when we can make it up torepparttar 130241 next step. Then, when we make it, we begin working onrepparttar 130242 next one. We all haverepparttar 130243 capacity to massively advance in every area of life. The sad truth is, though, most people simply don’t exertrepparttar 130244 energy that is necessary to make it happen. Instead of intentionally working toward a life goal, they just take things as they come - advancing, or not, as life comes to them. These people are doomed to a life of taking steps forward then hitting a difficult spot and rolling torepparttar 130245 bottom ofrepparttar 130246 stairs. But we haverepparttar 130247 capacity to go forward. Sure there will be struggle. Sure there will be times when we stumble. But at those times we learn fromrepparttar 130248 struggle and grow. At those times, if we make it our lifestyle choice, we can fall uprepparttar 130249 stairs, not down, then get up and keep on going.

Dr. Freddy Davis is the owner of TSM Enterprises and conducts conferences, seminars and organizational training for executives, managers and sales professionals to help develop greater effectiveness and productivity. He is the author of the book Supercharged! as well as the Nutshell Series of books for strengthening business. You can visit the TSM website at, or you can contact Freddy directly at 888-883-0656 or

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